No. 2.]
space system and according to Garga for 10 h. 30 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 9 h. 12 m., after mean sunrise.
37. - In the Visvanatha temple at Tenkasi.! 1 Svasti eri (11) Kô Jatilavarmmar=ana Tribhuvanaścha(cha) kravarttiga! sri
Paråkrama-Påndyad&varku yaņdu muppattonråvadin ediråvadu Ka[r]kkataka-pâyarru irubattonrån=diyadiyum půrvva-pakshattu chcha(cha)turddasiyum Tingat-kilamaiyam
perra Uttirâdattu na!.
" (In the year) opposite to the thirty-first year of the reign) of king Jațilavarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Parakrama-Pipdyadêve, on the day of Uttaráshadha, which corresponded to a Monday, and to the fourteenth tithi of the first fortnight, and to the twenty-first solar day of the month of Karkataka."
Judging by the preceding date, this date would be expected to fall in about A.D. 1454; in my opinion, it corresponds to the 19th July A.D. 1453. In A.D. 1453 the Karkata-sankranti took place 19 h. 36 m. after mean sunrise of the 28th June. The 21st day of the month of Karkataka therefore was the 19th July; and on this day the 14th tithi of the bright half (of the month Sråvapa) ended 14 h. 14 m., and the nakshatra was Uttarishadha, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 18 h. 24 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 11 h. 50 m., after mean sunrise. But the day found was a Thursday, not a Monday.--Since in the whole of the 15th century A.D. there is not a single year for which the date, as recorded by the writer, would be correct, I take Thursday, the 19th July A.D. 1453, to be its proper equivalent, and have no doubt that the writer has quoted the week-day incorrectly.
38. - In the Kuttalanátha temple at Kuttalam." 1 Svasti eri [118] Ko [$]eļilavaṇmar=a[na] Tribhuvaņa(cha]kravatt[i]ga! Sr[t]
Parakk[i]rama-Papdi yad]dvarku yaņdu mappattoox[]vadin edir nå[1][valdu Mi(mi)ņa-nâyirru iru[bad&n=diya]di[yu]m [apa]ra-[pa]kshattu pañchamiy[u]m
Buday-kilamaiyum perra Anishatti-n]A!. “In the fourth (year) opposite to the thirty-first year of the reign) of king Jatilavarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Parákrama-Pandyadeva, on the day of Anuradha, which corresponded to a Wednesday, and to the fifth tithi of the second fortnight, and to the twentieth solar day of the month of Mina."
Judging by the preceding dates, this date would be expected to fall in about A.D. 1457; it actually corresponds to Wednesday, the leth March A.D. 1457. In A.D. 1457 the Minasankranti took place 13 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise of Thursday, the 24th February. The 20th day of the month of Mina therefore was Wednesday, the 16th March, and on this day the 5th tithi of the dark half of the month Phalguns) ended 10 h. 25 m., and the nakshatra was Anuradha, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 4 b. 36 m., and by the Brahmasiddhanta for 0 b. 39 m., after mean sunrise.
39.- In the Visvanatha temple at Tepkasi.) 1 Sakabdam &yirattu-muggurru-eņbattu-oprig môr=chellanigra
Ar[i]kesar[i]devar-Apa Parakkirama-Pandiyaddvarku yandu Svadu Miduga-ñkyarra irubattumu(mg)
.. 31[vadu]
No. 195 of the Goverument Epigraphist's collection for 1896. . No, 204 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1895.
No. 199 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1895,