year of the king's reign and corresponds-for Saka-Samvat 1274 expired- to Friday, the 30th November A.D. 1352, which was the 4th day of the month of Dhanus, and on which the 9th tithi of the dark half (of the month Margasîrsha) commenced 0 h. 17 m., and the nakshatra was Hasta, by the Brahma-siddhânta from 0 h. 39 m., and by the equal space system and according to Garga from 2 h. 38 m., after mean sunrise.
The two dates Nos. 33 and 34 would shew that the reign of Maravarman ParakramaPandya commenced between (approximately) the 1st December A.D. 1334 and the 1st November A.D. 1335.
16 Svasti fri [11] Sakabdam 1293n mêl
35.- In the Chôlésvara temple at Cholapuram near Nagercoil.1
4 chobakravarttigal 4rl-Parikrama-Phodiyadevar
5 vadiņ edir pattâvadu Makara-ñâyirra, pûrvva-pakshattu triti (ti)yai6 yum Vell-kki[a]m[niyum] perra Sadaiyattig.
[-k-Chehadaipagmar-kps Tribhuvans
iyâṇḍu añjâ.
"After the Saka year 1293 (had passed), in the tenth (year) opposite to the fifth year (of the reign) of the glorious king Jatavarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Parakrama-Paṇḍyadeva,- on the day of Satabhishaj, which corresponded to a Friday and to the third tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Makara."
For Saka-Samvat 1293 expired this date regularly corresponds to Friday, the 9th January A.D. 1372, which was the 14th day of the month of Makara, and on which the third tithi of the bright half (of the month Magha) ended 19 h. 59 m., and the nakshatra was Satabhishaj, by the equal space system for 20 h. 21 m., according to Garga for 11 h. 50 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 9 h. 12 m., after mean sunrise.
Being of the 10th opposite to the 5th, i.e. of the 15th year of the king's reign, the date would shew that the reign of Jaṭavarman Parakrama-Pandya commenced between (approximately) the 10th January A.D. 1357 and the 9th January A.D. 1358.
D. JATILAVARMAN PARAKRAMA-PANDYA (ARIKESARIDEVA). 36. In the Kuttalanatha temple at Kuttalam." Sakâbdam 1377 mêl [6]ellåninga
Parakkiga[ma"]-Plodyndvngka yhodu 31vadig edir y[i]randavadu Mi(ml)a-jökyazra irubattestkn-diyadiyum parvva-pakshat[t] shashayam Tingat[k]ilamaiya(ya)m [pe]za Mrigni[r]shatin n[A].
"In the second (year) opposite to the 31st year (of the reign) of ParakramaPandyadeva, which was current after the Saka year 1377 (had passed),- on the day of Mrigasirsha, which corresponded to a Monday, and to the sixth tithi of the first fortnight, and to the twenty-eighth solar day of the month of Mina."
In solar Saka-Samvat 1377 current the Mina-samkrânti took place 1 h. 30 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, the 25th February A.D. 1455, which was the first day of the month of Mina. The 28th day of the month of Mina therefore was Monday, the 24th March A.D. 1455; and on this day the 6th tithi of the bright half (of the month Chaitra of luni-solar SakaSamvat 1377 expired) ended 15 h. 44 m., and the nakshatra was Mrigasirsha, by the equal
No. 30 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1996. No, 203 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1895.
Read shashthiyum.