No. 2.]
In Saka-Samvat 1421 expired the Vrischika-samkranti took place 13 h. 53 m. after mean sunrise of Wednesday, the 30th October A.D. 1499. The 15th day of the month of Vrischika therefore was Thursday, the 14th November A.D. 1499, and on this day the 12th tithi of the bright half (of the month Mârgasirsha) ended 16 h. 13 m. after mean sunrise. On the day found the nakshatra by our Tables ceased to be Rêvati exactly at mean sunrise, but it may be reasonably assumed that by other Tables the moon continued in Rêvati for some short time after mean sunrise.
Being of the 20th year of the king's reign, the date would shew that the reign of Jațilavarman Parakrama-Pâṇḍya Kulasekhara commenced between (approximately) the 15th November A.D. 1479 and the 14th November A.D. 1480,
F.- JATILAVARMAN SRIVALLABHA. 41. In the Viśvanatha temple at Teņkâsi.1
2 Sakâbdam âyirattu-nânûrru-anbattu-onbadil mêr-chellåninga
.... kỏ Jatilavarmmar-âna Tribhuvanachchakrava[r]tti Kônêrmaikond[a]n .... 5 Perumal Srivallabhadéva[1]ku yapḍu mu(m)ovadu [E]vilambi va[raham Vrischika-[ravi iraba]t[tu]-onbadâ[n]-diyadiyum [a]para-pakshattu [ê]kâ[da]śiyu6 m Budha-varamum perra Śôdi-nál.
"In the [H]êvilambin year, the third year (of the reign) of king Jatilavarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, Kônêrmaikoṇḍān Perumal Srivallabhadeva, which (year) was current after the Saka year one thousand four hundred and fifty-nine (had passed),- on the day of Svâti, which corresponded to a Wednesday, and to the eleventh tithi of the second fortnight, and to the twenty-ninth solar day of (the month in which) the sun (was) in Vrischika."
The Jovian year Hevilambin (Hêmalamba) by the southern luni-solar system corresponds to Saka-Samvat 1459 expired. In this year the Vrischika-samkrânti took place on Tuesday, the 30th October A.D. 1537, by the Arya-siddhânta 9 h. 48 m., and by the Sûrya-siddhânta 12 h. 30 m., after mean sunrise. By the Sûrya-siddhânta therefore- and by the Arya-siddhânta also in case the Malabar rule was followed-the month of Vrischika commenced on the 31st October, and the 29th day of that month was Wednesday, the 28th November A.D. 1587. On this day the 11th tithi of the dark half (of the month Margasirsha) ended 9h. 34 m. after mean sunrise, and the nakshatra was Svati, by the equal space system during the whole day, by the Brahma-siddhanta for 9 h. 12 m., and according to Garga for 13 h. 8 m., after mean sunrise.
Being of the third year of the king's reign, the date would shew that the reign of Jatilavarman Srivallabha commenced between (approximately) the 29th November A.D. 1534 and the 28th November A.D. 1535.
42.-In the Kailasapati temple at Gangaikoṇḍan.'
1 Svasti śri [11] Ko Maravanmar-ga
Tribhuvapachta(cha)kravat[t]i Kônêrmaikonda[n] 41-Sundars-Plodiyadevak ylându 2 Avadu 22âvadukku Sak&bda[m] 1477p mêl sellän[i]nra Âni-mâdam 3 têdi pû[rvva]-pakshattu
2 duvâdesiyum [Manda]-våramum perra odi-nål.
1 No. 200 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1895,
2 See Sewell and Dikshit's Indian Calendar, p. 12.
No. 171 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1895.
The two words mddam and tedi are expressed by their modern abbreviations,