MAT, 1923)
Chamang: a generic term for shoemakers, weavers and the like; of. Domang : SS. Bashahr, 22.
Chameri: typhus : Mandi, 18. Chanda : fold of & turban: B. 194 and 187. Cf. P. D. 185.
Chandni-da-gawan : singing of songs in the open air on moonlight nights by girls (in the Ubha): B., 202.
Chandrainan: (moon') -khâwan, lit. "to eat the moon '; an observance in which & son-in-law takes his meals in his father-in-law's house when he visits him to congratulate him on the new moon in the lunar month after his betrothal : B., 104.
Chandwa : & wheel made of stioks but without a rim, used at the Shivratri : SS. Bashahr, 29.
Changa (? or) barmi: yew, Taxus baccata : Ch., 240. (2) a seal or mark, made on a layer of earth placed over a grain-heap : SS. Kuthår, 7.
Changar: high-lying land : SS. Nalagarh, 11. Channa arta : a ceremony on the third day of the Koyidan, in Peshawar : Gloss., I, p. 832.
Channi jorna : to test a bridegroom's skill in marksmanship, by hanging a chánni in a doorway: Gloss., I, p. 799.
Chanwand :? Chara : Syringa emodi : Ch., 239. Charairi: & swallow or swift : Ch., 37. Charotri: an ornament worn round the waist : B., 112. Charva : food supplied to a trade tribunal: SS. Bashabr, 62. Chath : the occupation rite of a new house : Gloss., I, p. 913. Châti: a large pitcher also used as a churn : B., 196. Chatti: a basket, to hold 2 sers : Simla, S. R., xlvi. Chatti: the rite observed on the 6th day after a birth : Gloss., I, pp. 768-70, 778-9. Chaubagla: a pleated coat : SS. Kumhårsain, 13. Chaugharia mahurat, : lucky hours; also called Zakki, which is probably for Ar. zakd,
even,' as opposed to odd. Cf. Chaughara, 'four-sided ': P.D., 201. Chaukannl: peaked : B, 194.
Chaukhand : a son born to a widow within the four oorners of her deceased husband's house, and so deemed his legitimate heir, no matter how long he was born after the husband's death: Ch., 128.
Chauntra: an official in charge of a group of several bhojas, corresponding to a zasl. dar: Sirmûr, 63.
Chagsingha: a kind of deer : Sirmar. 7. Chautha: quartan fever : Suket, 2.
Châwal: an oath sworn against the authority of an official, called Gatti elsewhere, in the lower hills : SS. Bilaspuri, 2.
Chehll: the midday meal: Sirmor, 58. Cf. Cheli in III. Chela n= dastárbandi: in Pasrllr (Sialkot)! Chelki: pl. -fân, Charotri : B. 112. Cher: a pheasant : Sirmar, 7.
Chers :-shi, a cess levied to provide goats and sheep for the Shivratri festival and the valuries of State officials : SS. Kumharsain, 19-20 and 8.
Chera : a large vessel ; Simla Hills : Gloss., I, p. 450. Cheunta : add in III: = Chunta, 9.0.
Chhach (b): buttermilk; hence Chh&chhehår, & collector of oil and ghi : SS. Kumhårsain, 20.
Chhagana : a sister by mutual adoption, as dearer six times than a sister by birth : Gloss., I, p. 907.