(MAY, 1828
Bobo : sister, among Pathåns and Shaikhs.
Bohnl: a measure of capacity made of thin wood or sticks (roeds ) 34 in. in diameter and 2 in. deep; used in the Bakot ildga; choihdi.
Bohokhal: Bohotl : (?), unirrigated land, generally sloping, sometimes terraced : Suket, 29. Bola : marriage by exchange, in Chamba : Gloss., I, p. 788. Boloha: a thong ;=pharir : Simla, S. R., xlv. Bora : a camel load: Dera Ismail Khân. Borto: a ropa (); Bashahr: Gloss., I, p. 347.
Botbal: a widow who has romarried '; a woman who has had a son by a Rajpût but is not subsequently married by his brother: Gloss., III, p. 67. Cf. Chhatrora and Dhudl.
Bowára: a system of mobilizing labour for harvest work: SS. Bashahr, 50. Brayah : a plot of land kept fallow in Autumn: Ch., 224.
Bres: a grain, Fagopyrum esculentum, grown on the higher uplands. It is ground into meal: Ch., 202, 204 and 222.
Brimi : the female of the Ja, q. v. Buba : a gift made to the bride by the boy's father after her betrothal: Gloss., I. p. 791.
Bujky: a shortened form of regular marriage used in Brahmaur;= janef in Churah : Ch., 127
Buk: a double handful : D.I.K. Bukhal: lucky child, a girl born after three boys : Gloss., I, p. 744. Bur: Ar. (burnus ?), a cloak: B., 151. Chabona : roasted gram : Simla, S. R., xli. Chabra: a variety of buckwheat : 88. Bashahr, 48. Chach: = Chhâch, q. v. Chad : a present in money and kind given to the bride ; Cf. eodj: Ch., 128.
Chadar Badal : fictitious sisterhood effected by exchanging shawls : Gloss., I, p. 905. Syn. Oshnd-badal. Cf. Challa-badal.
Chadha : sedentary ; --dha, cross-legged; see Chudda : Ch., 138, Chairu: a blanket : SS. Bashahr, 42. Chahr: a cess levied for the watchman : SS. Baghahr, 72. Chak : (? Chh- ), a daily wago equal to a meal for three men : SS. Jubbal, 19.
Chak khant : lit. eating food,' a visit paid by the father of a boy to his plancde's house to confirm the betrothal : Ch., 157.
Chaka kaln: income from the lease of State quarries : Suket, 42. Chakera : gum of the Bauhinia relusa ; semla : Sirmûr, 5. Chakhre : hornbeam : Ch., 236. Cf. Chakri. Chakli: a coppar coin current in Chamba ; = {th of an anna : Ch., 73 Chakmak: a steel for striking light : SS. Bashahr, 42. Chakpora : (?-pur), hornbeam, Carpinus viminea : Ch., 240. Chakri : hornbeam, Carpinus faginea : Ch., 240. Chikrl: Misl , personal corvée, SS. Bashahr, 71. Chakrunds : a cash payment made by a begáru in lieu of forced labour : Ch. 280. Chals-muklawa, in Gurgaon : Gloss., I, p. 816. Cf. Challa in Karnal, ib., p. 899.
Chaliswan : the ceremony of the 40th' day after death, but observed on various earlier days : Gloss., I, p. 886.
Challa-badal bahin: a sister made by exchange of rings : Gloss., I, p. 916.