The patient will then perhaps reply: 'Don't the patient with either the words 'vächoor you know me? I am chàran', or 'I am 'vad hàvo'. In case the bhuvd says 'vacho' sàmluàdi,'(a female spirit guarding the village and the number of seeds happens to be even, gates) or Vågharant or Purvaj (the spirit what be declared to be the cause of the patient's of a deceased ancestor) Regarding the trouble is believed to be true. So also if reason for possession, the evil spirit will the bhuvà says vadhàvo and the number of give some such explanation as follows: seeds proves to be odd. But in case the "Once upon a time the patient was taking a number of seeds proves to be odd when the loaf and vegetables which he hid from me, bhuvd says ' vàcho', or even, when he say? and therefore I shall leave his person only tadhavo, then his explanation of the cause of with his life." The bhuvà will then say the patient's trouble is not credited. "life is precious and not so cheap as you Sometimes Brahmans instead of bhuvas are think. If you want anything else, say so and engaged to exorcise an evil spirit from the leave this person." After a dialogue such as body of a sick person. A bellmetal dish, the above, the bhuud and the spirit come to containing adad (phaseolus radiatus) wheat some compromise, and the bhuvà then leads a and jomàri, is placed on a copper jar and procession with the utàr either to the village struck violently with a stick, called velan, so boundary or to a cemetery. The bhuvà then as to produce a loud noise. The patient, who draws a circle on the ground with the point is made to sit in front, begins to tremble and of a sword which he carries, and places the sometimes even to rave. The Brahmans also utàr within the circle. He then slightly create a loud noise and in a loud voice ask the cuts the tip of his tongue with the edge of
patient who the evil spirit is and what it the sword, and spits blood into a fire lighted wants. The patient will then give out the for the purpose. The smoke of this fire is name of some notorious dakan (witch) or of supposed to carry the offering to the evil spirit. one of his deceased ancestors and will add The utár is then taken away by the drummers, that he desires a certain thing which he was. who share it secretly with the bhuvd. In the used to get while in human form. The evil event of the patient deriving no benefit from spirit is then propitiated by offering the this ceremony, the bhuvd advises the patient's things asked for and is requested to leave the relatives to repeat the process.1
body of the patient. The following ceremony is sometimes The following are other methods of expell performed in order to ascertain whether a ing an evil spirit from the body person is under the influence of an evil spirit Either lobkàn i. e, incense powder, or chilor not. A bhuvà is invited to the patient's lies or even the excreta of dogs are burnt under house in the company of drummers, and there the nose of the patient, who, overpowered, by he dances for some time amidst the dinthe unpleasant odour, is supposed to give out produced by the beating of the drums and by the pame of the evil spirit and also what the the loud recitation of hymns in honour of his latter wants. favourite goddess. Afterwards a handful of Water is charmed with incantations, and is grain is passed round the head of the patient either dashed against the patient's eyes or is and presented to the bhuva for inspection. I given to him to drink. The bhutà selects a few seeds from the grain If the evil spirit possessing a patient is a and making certain gestures, offers them to purvaj i. e., the spirit of a deceased ancestor,
Fominina of Vaghri belonging to the Vågbri caste, The School Master of Sanka. 2 The School Masters of Ganod, Vanod and Kolki. The School Master of Dadvi.