round the neck or the horns of the diseased guarded for several days, lest some other animal and no other food except ghi and animals dig it up and let lose the buried molasses is allowed to it for two or three epidemic by exposing the carcasses. It is days. A handful of salt is sometimes thrown believed that the contagion of this disease on the back of the animal. Sesamum oil lies in the ears; and the ears of all the sheep is also said to work as a good medicine in in the hera are carefully watched if they the case of the same disease.
bleed. Another remedy for the same disease is The twin gods Ashivini Kumar are someto pass a knotted bamboo stick with seven times propitiated by means of an anushthàn knots seven times over the back of the ailing (the performance of religious austerities in animal.3
their honour) in order that they may put Ghi is sometimes used as a medicine in a stop to a disease among cattle, the case of small-poz. In the case of It appears that dancing often forms a part shakario or kalo và, the animal is branded of the process of exorcism. Frequently dancin the affected limbs. To one suffering from ing is accompanied by the beating of cymbals & stye in the eye an ointment prepared from and drums and other loud noises. A the horn of a deer is applied, while a mixture mandalu is convened at the house of the person of whey and salt is said to be useful in most who is to be exorcised i. e., & number of eye maladies. The treatment for the swelling bhuvds are invited to attend along with a of the belly is a mixture of molasses, ajamo number of low-caste drummers, and afterwards (ligusticum ajwaen) and sanchal (a kind of the ceremony of utàr is gone through; the salt). To cure an animal of khàpari (a utàr is then taken to a cemetery. disease which affects milch-cattle), the Sometimes the beating of drums and milk of the affected animal is poured on cymbals is alone resorted to for expelling an ràfdà (a kind of jujube tree). If after
evil spirit from the person of a patient. It is delivery, soune part of the embryo remains believed that this process is effectual in proporinside an animal, milk and molasses are given tion to the degree of the intensity of the noise to expedite its removal,
created » The patient is asked to sit facing In the case of kharavà the ailing animal the east. The Baval or Våghri i. e., the is made to move about in hot sand and is drummer, sits in front of him, and not only treated with salt, which is first fried on the beats the drun as loudly as he can, but also fire of Holi. The remedy for the disease sings hymns at the top of his voice in honour known as kumbhava is to give a dose of of his favourite goddess. In the meanwhile, castor oil, sanchal, ajamo and hot water to the bhuva, who is also in attendance, begins to the sick animal and also to tie a magic be possessed, and discloses the fact by convulthread round its neck. 5
sive fits. After a while, the bhuvà suddenly A disease called okarinu (i.e., vomitting) stamps his foot furiously on the floor, and, sometimes breaks out among sheep. In this seizing the patient by a lock of his hair, and case the shepherds separate all the affected perhaps even giving him a blow on the back, animals from the herd and remove them to asks in a stern voice" Who art thou ? speak a distance. All the sheop which die of the out at once why thou hast come or else I will disease are buried deep in a pit, which is burn thee to death."*
1 The School Master of Dhånk and the Shastri of Jetpur Pathshala * The Shastri of Bhayavadur Pathasbala,
3 The School Master of Zinzuwada. • The Shastris of Jetpur and Bhayavadur,
• The School Master of Wala Taluka. • The School Master of Anandpur.
The School Master of Kotdà-Sangani. 8 The School Master of Zinzuwada.
• The School Master of Kotda-Sangani. • All this of course is addressed to the evil spirit which is supposed to have possessed the patient.