(v) Tying a nagic thread round the arm. belief that the Bhangis sometimes prepare On a Sunday or a Tuesday a woollen thread an image out of the flour of adad (phaseolus or a piece of five-coloured silken thread is radiatus) and pierce it with needles, and it is taken to a bà và or a jogi, who mutters a few said that for every hole made in the image mystic words, and makes seven knots in the one human being falls a victim to some thread. The thread is treated with frank- epidemic disease. Such an image is sometimes incense, and then tied round the arm.
placed in an earthen vessel and buried underPeriodical fevers are believed to be under ground in a public way so that every passer the control of certain spirits. There is a by treading on the spot where it is buried story connected with almost every sort of may be attacked by some disease. Or it is fever, and it is believed that a person who thrown into the well which is most used by listens to such a story is cured of fever.3 village people, with the object that all The following legend is connected with persons drinking water from the well may ekanterio-intermittent fever occurring on perish by the disease, alternate days. Once a Bania, on his way The Bhangis are also accused of causing to a village, came across a banyan tree where an epidemic by means of boiling the ear of a he unyoked his bullocks and went to a dis- | buffalo and the flesh of an ox together in one tance to seek for water. Ekanterio (the vessel, it being believed that the virulence spirit controlling intermittent fever) resided of the disease varies in proportion to the on this tree, and when the Bania had gone extent to which the boiling proceeds. This sufficiently far he stole from behind the tree process is supposed to cause a discase among and carried away the Bania's carriage to- cattle also. gether with his family. The Bania was much Another belief is that the Bhangis charm surprised to miss them on his return, but he seeds of adad and cloves by repeating magic soon found out the author of the trick, and incantations over them, and afterwards strew pursued Ekànterio. That spirit however them on a highway in order that those who would not listen to the Bania's entreaties to step on them may be attacked by cholera or return his carriage, and the matter was at some similar disease.? One motive suggestlast referred for arbitration to Bochki Bai. ed for such action is that they are thereby The latter decided in favour of the Bania, likely to receive their garments, which would and confined Ekanterio in a bamboo tube, be used for covering the bodies. Also at He was released on the condition that he the outbreak of such an epidemic, clothes, would never attack those persons who listen cocoanuts, ghi, molasses, wheat flour, etc., to this story."
are offered by the people to the Bhangis, who There is a flower garden to the west of in return give a dorà, a piece of thread, of Jodia where there is a tree called ghelun black wool to be worn by the afflicted (mad) tree. Vows in honour of this tree are persons. believed to be efficacious in curing fever. But apart from such beliefs, the appear
It has been already said above that such ance of an epidemic is also attributed to epidemic diseases as cholera or the plague are other causes. There is the usual belief that often supposed to be the result of the sinis- it is caused by the diminution of virtue and ter practices of the Bhangis. There is a the increase of sin among people and the
1 The School Master of Dhank. 3 Mr. K. D. Desai. 5 Mr. K. D. Desài. 1 The Scoool Master of Rajpara.
9 The School Master of Zinzuváda. • The, School Master of Jodia. # The Deputy Educational Inspector of Gobelwad,
The School Master of Jasdan. • The School Master of Rajpara.