stone, besmeared with red lead. This is god Krishna, and it can be cured by the resaid to be the head of Babhrivàhan, the son citation of a piece called Ushaharan, from of Bhima" the second of the Pandavas by a the Haritansha. Some persons attribute Nàg mother. At the time of the Great War, fever to the wrath of Vishnu, and declare that he was sent by his mother from his resi- it can be avoided by the recitation of Vishnudence in the patàl (the regions below this sahasranama. Others believe it to be due world) to assist his father, and as he did to the anger of Shiva, and say that it can be not know the Pandavas, he was asked to cured by pouring a stream of water over the join the weaker side. On coming to the image of Shiva by offering bel leaves (degle earth he first met with Krishna who took a marmelos) to him, and by reciting the Mripromise from him to lop his own head off. tyunjaya mantra in his honour. Others In return, Krishna promised him that he again ascribe it to the displeasure of the would be immortal, invisible and worshipped gods Harit and Har, saying that the heat by all, and the head was set up on the flag of is caused by the wrath of Shiva.? the Pandavas. This head began to trouble The following are some of the remedies the Pandavas after their victory, and adopted in cases of fever: could only be quieted by the promise of (i) The recitation of sacred hymns in Krislina to have him recognised as a deity honour of the gods. with unlimited powers. This head after- ! (ii) The worship of Narsinh. wards came to be known as the controller (iii) Rudrabhishek-pouring a stream of of small-pox. How the head of the male water on the image of Shiva with the reciBabhrivahan came to be identified with tation of verses in his honour. Shitalà Màtà, it is difficult to explain.
(iv) Drawing the jantra of Mrityunjaya There is a tradition that a Kunbi once rc- (lit, Death-conquering, an epithet of Shiva). covered his eyesight, lost in an attack of as shown below. small-pox, by worshipping Shitalà Màtà, and by rowing not to tie his lock of lunir till his blindness was cured."
It is said that the powderlike substance which falls from the scabs of small-pox cures cataract if applied to the eyes.
Daksha Prajapati once celebrated a great sacrifice, but did not invite his son-in-law Shiva. The latter was extremely enraged at the insult, and eight sorts of fever were in consequence produced by his breath at that time, According to another story càr or fever was created by Shiva in order to assist the demon Bànàsur in his contest with
" Mr. K. D. Desai.
2 The School Master of Jodia. * The School Master of Sanka,
The Mistress of Rajkot, Civil Station Girls' School 5 The School Master of Ganod.
6 The Shastri of Jetpur Pathshala.
+ The School Master of Charadwa. • Babhrivahan was not the son of Bhima, he was the son of Arjun by Chitrangada, a princess of Manipur
Names of Vishnu and Shiva respectively. The half-man and balflion incarnation of Vishnu.