The following lines are often repeated in worshipped with red lead, red flowers, milk, honour of this godl:
curds, honey, etc. The image of the god is भुक्तिमुक्तिदायकं प्रशस्तचाहावयहम् । besmeared with red lead and ghi, and the भकवासलं स्थितं समस्तलोकविमहम् || remnant of this ointment is applied to the निष्कणमनोज्ञहेमकिंकिणीलसस्कटिम् ।। doors and windows of the house, Sweet
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ॥१॥ balls of wheat flour fried in ghi and sweet(I worship Kāl-bhairav, the giver of food ened with molasses are first dedicated to and of salvation, of auspicious and comely Ganpati and are afterwards partaken of as appearance, who is kind to his devotees.) the god's gift.
Ganpati or Ganesh; about whose origin the 1 The people of Mahērashtra observe Gantraditional legends prevail, is represented pati choth on the 4th day of the bright half with four hands, in one of which he holds a of Bhadrapad, when an earthen image of kamandalu (a gourd), in the second a lūdu Ganpati is made and worshipped with twenty (or a sweet-ball), in the third a parashu kinds of leaves, (or an axe), and in the fourth a jap-mall It is a custom among the Vaishnavas to (or a rosary). He is sometimes called Dun- draw an image of Ganpati in those vessels dalo (lit., big-bellied) because of his having which are to be used for cooking food at the a protuberant belly. He puts on a yellow time of performing the obsequies of a garment and rides a mouse. His brother is deceased Vaishnava, Kārtik-swami who rides a peacock. His The Mātrikās are sixteen in number, and favourite dish consists of ladus or sweet-balls are worshipped on such auspicious occasions of wheat-flour fried in ghi and sweetened as a yajna (ie, a sacrifice), a wedding, or with molnsses. Siddhi and Buddhi are the the ceremony known as vāstu.? Their intwo wives of Ganpati. Before their marriage ostallation consists in painting the following their father Visiwarupa had made a promise marks with red lac on the back walls of a that he would bestow the hands of both on house. whomsoever circumambulated the whole Earth within one day. Ganpati reasoned that a cow and a mother are equal in merit to the Earth and by passing round the former, he got the hands of both. Ganpati is said to be the fastest writer of all, so that the sage Vyāsa secured his services as a scribe, at the instance of Brahmă, in writing the Mahäbharat, When Rävan bad conquered all the gods and The marks are besmeared with molasses, made them serve in his household, Ganpati and a little ghi and a piece of some precious had to become a cowherd and to look after metal is affixed to them. At the time of cows and geats.
a marriage, fourteen are worshipped in the On Vaishakh sud choth, known as Ganpati house, one outside the village limits, and one choth, i, e., the fourth day of the bright near the front door of the house where the half of Vaishaklı, Ganpati is ceremoniously wedding is celebrated,
1 The Schoolmaster of Dabink. 3 The Schoolmaster of Kolki. $ The Schoolmaster of Dahank. 7 The Schoolmaster of Aman.
The Schoolmaster of Aman.
The Schoolmaster of Barton Female Training College, Rajkot.
The Schoolmaster of Dbank. • The Schoolmaster of Jasdan. * The Schoolmaster of Dhbank.