But if this is not successful in checking of the cattle in order to increase their the course of the disease, it is usual to swallow earnings." the chelans" of Mungi Mātā ( the Duinb The god Kül-bhairav was brought into Mother). For this purpose the bluvas of existence by the fury of god Shiva, when the Mātā, who are Bharvads, are invited to he, being extremely angry with Brahma, the stalls of the affected cattle, where they cut off the fifth head of the latter. Kalrecite magic incantations amidst tumultu- bhairav is the leader of all bhuts (ghosts) ous shouts and yells. After this they are fed and däkans (witches), and resides at Käshni with rice, ghi and sugar, this latter process (Benares) by the order of Shiva. His being called 'swallowing the chelans of the favourite haunt is a cemetery. His image is Mātā.'1
always represented as fierce and ugly. In event of this process being of no avail It is said that this god once entered the in restraining the disease, the headman of mouth of Gorakhnath and performed relithe village in the company of his wife per- gious austerities in that strange abode. forms a homa sacrifice in the places dedicated Although Gorakhnath was nearly suffocated, to the Mātās, and offers an āhuti-a sacrifi- lie could only persuade Kal-bhairav to come cial oblation-when all the villagers dedicate out by extolling his glory and by conferring cocoanuts to the sacrificial fire.?
on him the leadership of all bhuts and Sometimes the wrath of the god Gorakh- the guardianship of the Kotvālu fortress at dev is supposed to be responsible for cattle- Kashi, diseases. A bunch of the leaves of a poison- Käl-blairav does not command worship on ous medicinal plant ankdo is passed seven any auspicious occasion. On the other hand, times over the body of the ailing animal with he is much revered by persons who practise the prayer May Gorakhdev be pleased,' the black art. On Kali-chaudas day his devoAd a cocoanut is dedicated to the god, tees worship him in a cemetery, offer an
Another method of checking cattle-discase oblation of baklan, and recite magic incantais to bury the corpse of an animal which tions till late at night. has died thereof near the village-gates. The offerings favoured by Kal-bhairav are It is believed that this puts a stop to any
khir.t cakes of wheat flour, sugar and further deaths among cattle from the same vadan. 19 The sacrifice of a live animal is disease.
also acceptable,10 The offering after presentWhen such a disease as shili (small-pox), ation to the god, are given to black dogs. sakharado, or kharavā prevails largely among Pregnant women in order to secure a safe cattle, a belief gains ground that the Dheds delivery sometimes vow to abstain from ghi (who flay the dead cattle and sell their till they have offered an oblation to Kal-bhaihides) have poisoned the drinking water rav. 11
The Schoolmaster of Kolki.
1 The Schoolmaster of Kolki. 3 The Shastri of Jetpur Pathashali.
• The Schoolmaster of Ganod. 5 The Schoolmaster of Ganod.
6 The Schoolmaster of Moti Murad. * The Schoolmaster of Chhatrasa,
8 The Schoolmaster of Jodia and Dodiala, 9 The Schoolmaster of Aman.
10 The Schoolmaster of Patanvav. 11 The Shastri of Jetpur Pitbasbäli.
* The word chela in ordinary language means a pancake (udalo) of wheat or gram, sweet or salt, and it is a favourite oblation to Mäta. So the word chelan may have come to be used for any oblation to Mata and the expression swallowing the chelanc may mean partaking of the oblation or offering of the Mati.
Milk and rice boiled together and sweetened with sugar, # Vide page 48.