Mount Shetrunja (or Shatrunjaya) pos- there today. Owing to the excessive cold, Sesses numerous Jain shrines and attracts the place is extremely difficult to reach thousands of pilgrims every year, The Pilgrims carry burning heartbs with them hearts of all pilgrims are believed to be to protect themselves against cold. Besides, purified from the moment they come within it is necessary to cross the Pathar-nadi (or six miles of the mountain
stony river), of which the water, if touched, Mount Abu possesses the temple of Amba turns one into stone. The method of crossMātā where Krishna's hair was clipped for ing this river is to suspend sikāns or slings the first time, Tryambak is known for the above its water and to swing arom one sling temple of Tryambakeshwar and the source to another. of the holy Godavari,3 About Revatáchal, A hill called Swargārohan is believed to be it is said that the mountain was golden in twenty miles to the north of Badrikedārnāth ancient times. In the Vindhya Mountains and is said to lead to heaven. In ancient is situated the famous temple of Omkar | times the Pandavas had repaired to this place Mandhätä." The hermitage of Käkbhushundi in order to do penance for the sin of having in the Nilgiris was visited by Rims when he killed their kinsmen in the Great War. But listened to the religious stories read out by when they tried to ascend to heaven by the that sage. The sage Agastya also is said to Swargarohan Hill, only Yudhishthir and his have resided in these mountains,
faithful dog were able to reach their goal: The temple of Hinglaj stands on a hill the rest were frozen in the snow.? which is situated at a distance of eighteen Mount Kailasa, the abode of Shiva, is supdays' journey by road from Karachi. The posed to be situated in the northern part of Mátā is ministered to by a Musalman and the Himalayas. The mountain is described the place is mostly visited by Atita, Bāpās, as always covered with verdure and full of Khatris, Ckhipas, Mochis, and other low- beautiful gardens and of palaces made of caste Hindus. On occasions the doors of the jewels, with roads paved with golden dust temple spontaneously open, and after the and #phatika-mani (crystal stone). It is devotees have visited the Mäta, they again said that Rävan, the king of Lanka, once shot in the same mysterious manner."
uprooted this mountain and held it on the As the abode of Shiva and as containing palm of his hand, in order to display his the sources of the holiest of rivors, the Hima- prowess. The demon Bhasmasur, who was layas are the most sacred of all mountains, enamoured of the goddess Parvati, is said to and possess many holy places of pilgrimage, have performed the same feat in order to such as Badrinarayan, Kedarnath, Hardwår, frighten Shiva,3 etc. Badrinarayan is the favourite resort of Another mythical mountain is Meru, which those who have relinquished the world and is supposed to occupy the centre of the who only wish to meditate on the Divine earth. The sun, the moon, and all the Being. The sages Nara and Näräyan are planets revolve round this mountain, and it said to have peformed religious austerities in therefore plays an important part in the this place, and eighty-eight thousand rishis causation of day and night. For night falls (sages) are believed to be similarly occupied on one side of the earth when the sun goes
The Shastri of Jetpur, Pathashala.
• The Schoolmaster of Lilapur, The Schoolmaster of Ganod,
R. B. Dave. • The Schoolmaster of Jodia.
• The Schoolmaster of Lavaria. 7 M. M. Rana, Rajkot.
• The earth is believed to be that like a dish and to consist of syven large islands, which are compared to the seven petals of a lotus.