Girnar is one of the seven great mountains could not disobey the order of his lord, and which once possessed wings.1* It is also he had accordingly to drop the Govardhan known as the place where the sage Dattāt- mountain near Mathura. In order to fulfil raya performed religious austerities. The Hanuman's promise, however, Vishnu held place is so holy that any person dying with the mountain over his head for seven days, in a radius of twelve gaust from it is believed at the time of his Krishna incarnation, to attain moksha. A visit to the temples on It is said that the inbabitants of the disGirnår absolves one from all sins; and taking tricts round Govardhan formerly revered and a turn round Girnår and Shetrunja is said adored Indra, But Krishna condemned this to bring good fortune, Bhagwan manifests custom, and introduced the worship of himself to those who ascend the Bhaira
Govardhan, Indra was exasperated at this vajaya summit on Girnar. There is a rock conduct, and poured tremendous rains on on this mountain of which it is said that Gokul in order to drown Krishna and his those who cast themselves from it directly followers. But Krishna held up the Govarattain beaven,
dhan mountain on his little finger and Pavagad is known for the temple of sheltered all his people under its cover. Mahākäli Mäta. It is said that King Patai The mountain was supported in this manner once propitiated her by austerities, and on for seven days, by the end of which the being desired to deinand a boon, asked the rains subsided and Indra confessed himself goddess to accompany him to his palace. vanquished. Even now Vaishnavas form The goddess was highly incensed at this re- an image of Govardhan out of mud and quest, and promptly destroyed him.
worship it on the Janmashtami day (ie., Hanuman, the monkey-god, once promised the eighth day of the dark half of to take the Mountain Govardhan to peet Shrāvan). Rāma. It is well known how the monkey The Oshama Hill near Pätanvär (in the allies of Rāma constructed a bridge of rocks jurisdiction of Gondal) is noted for the across the sea to Lanka, and how Hanūmān beautiful temples of Tapakeshwar, Mahādev supplied the requisite material by fetching and Mātari Mätä. It is said that Bhimat huge mountains. Whilst engaged on this the second of the five Pandavas, first met work, he was one day carrying the Govar- the giantess Hidimbā,, on this hill. The dban mountain to the site of the bridge, charcoal-like stones which are dug out in when Råma issued an order that all monkeys numbers from this hill are believed by the who were fetching mountains should deposit people to have been blackened by the blood of their burdens at the spot where they stood the giant Hidimb, the brother of Hidimba at the woment of the order. Hanūnan who was killed by Bhima.
1 The Schoolmaster of Chhatrasa.
The Schoolmaster of Lilapur. The Shastri of Jetpur, Pathashala
• The Schoolmaster of Kolki. • The Schoolmaster of Lilapur. • The Schoolmasters of Kotda-Sangani, Vanod, and Luvaria. + The Schoolmaster of Ganod.
The Schoolmaster of Patanya • All mountains once possessed wings and caused much havoc when they flew about. So Indra clipped their wings with his thunderbolt and they are lying motionless since.-K. D. Desai.
+ Three-fourths of a gauone mile.
After the conflagration of Lakshabhuvan, the Pandavas escaped to the Hidimba Forest. There one day, in his excursions, Bhima came across the giantess Hidimbă sitting on a see-saw. On her offering to marry him if he succeeded in swinging her see-saw, he is said to have swung it so high in the skies that sne could even see the stars during daytime.-K. L'. Desai.