The water of the Krukalas well in the Narayan-sarovar in Catchy, Rävanrhad in the island of Shankhodwar is believed to cure Himalayas, and Råmarhad. The following fever and diseases caused by morbid heat. popular myth is related about Män-sarovar. A draught of the water of the Gomuk higanga Two kings once agreed that the two near Girnar, makes one proof against an children that should first be born to them attack of cholera,
should marry each other. But it hapThe water of a gosară well (i. e., a well pened that both the kings had daughters. which is polluted on account of a person One of them, however, concealed the fact, and being drowned in it) cures children of gave out that the child born to him was a bronchitis and cough.2*
son. So that when the children attained a There is a well near Ramdorana, of which marriagable age, they were married to each the water is effective against cough, and other according to the agreement. the water of the Bhamario well near But the wife found out the secret when Vasăwad possesses the same virtue.
she went to stay with her supposed husband, The water of the Mrigi kund near and disclosed it to her parents, who invited Junagadh remedies leprosy.
the counterfeit son-in-law to their house with The Pipliwell near Zalāwad and the the object of ascertaining the truth. The Detroja-väv near Kolki are well-known for alleged son, however, suspected the design the stimulative effect of their waters on the and fled, with a mare and a bitch. On digestion."
arriving near Män-sarovar, the animals went If a dark stone is found in the course of into the lake in order to refresh themselves, digging a well, the water of that well is when there was an immediate transformation ; believed to have medicinal properties, and the bitch and the mare came out a dog
The birth of a child under the mul nak- and a horse. On observing this miracle, their shatra endangers the life of its father : but mistress followed their example and was also the misfortune is averted if the child and its turned into & male. The story is still parents bathe in water drawn from one sung by girls in a garabi (song) during hundred and eight wells. Such water, the Navaratra holidays. if swallowed, is said to cure sanipat or There is a belief that the ancient golden delirium.7
city of Dwarka, the capital of god In the island of Shial there is a väv called Krishna, still exists in the sea, although it is Thân-väv, where mothers, who cannot suckle invisible to the eyes of mortals. A story their children for want of milk, wash their is told of a man named Pipo Bhagat who, bodices. When they afterwards wear these once perceiving a golden bowl floating in the bodices, these are believed to be able to cause sea, plunged into the water and saw the the due secretion of milk.
golden palaces of Dwarka and god Krishna The most famous of the sacred lakes are resting therein. It is said that he returned Pampat, Bindut. Pushkar and Sambhar | with the tide and related his experience to near Ajmere, Män-sarovar near Bahucharāji, several people,10
1 B. K. Dave, Kotda, Sangani,
• The schoolmasters of Limbdi and Chhatrasa, • The Schoolmaster of Upleta
• The schoolmaster of Mota Devalia. • The Schoolmaster of Kolki,
. D. K. Pandya, Dhhank, + The Schoolmaster of Patinväv.
• G. K. Bhatt, Songadh. • Jairam Vasaram, Jodia.
10 The Shastri of Jetpar, Pathashala. • It is a common practice to bring a small circular piesa of an eartben vessel from the neighbourhood of such a well and to hang it by a piece of string round the neck of a child to cure it of hadakhi-udharas or strong cough.-K. D. Desai.
+ Pampa is described in the Rāmāyana as being situated in the Dandaka forest, i. 6., in the Deccan, and seems to be the modern Hampi In Bellary district.
1 Perha ps the one in Sidrapur-K. T. G.