It is well known that a drowning person two feet long, is then spread on the spot, clings fast to anyone who tries to save him, and a pound and a quarter of wheat, a and endangers the lives of both himself and cocoanut, betels, dntes and copper coin are bis saviour. It is also believed by some placed on it. A copper bowl containing some people that the messengers of Varuna (the silver or gold coins and filled with water, is lord of all waters) seize those persons who also placed wer; the mouth of the bowl is bathe in a river earlier than the usual hour in covered with the leaves of the Ashoka tree the morning; and the act of saving a drowning (Jinesia Asoka) and a cocoanut is placed person thus deprives Varuna of his victim, over the leaves. After this, the priest recites and brings down the wrath of that deity. sacred hymns and asks his host to perform
Sometimes, for the sake of moksha, a the khatt ceremonies. Among favourite person takes samadhi (i, e., drowns himself offerings to Ganpati and the earth in the with a religious motive) in a holy river, such course of worship and in the performance of as the Ganges or the Jumna. In such a case the khat ceremonies are: curds, milk, honey, the relatives and other persons refrain from molasses, cocoanuts, dhana (a kind of spices), interference and do not try to rescue the leaves of Rägarvel (a kind of creeper) and person,
red lac. The expert who is called to choose When a well is to be dug, an expert is first a proper site for the well offers frankcalled to select a likely spot on which to dig. incense and a cocoanut to the spot, and A Brahman is then consulted as to the lights a lamp thereon. After the khat auspicious hour on which the work of digging ceremonies are over, the host distributes should be commenced. For this purpose, sugar or prolasses among the by-standers, and Tuesdays and those days on which the offers a sum of money to the expert, who earth sleeps are to be avoided. The earth usually refuses it, asking the host to spend is supposed to be asleep on the following it in charity. Those who accept money give six days in every month, namely: the 1st, the away a part of it in alms to the poor, 7th, the 9th, the 10th, the 14th and the 24th Sometimes, to secure the unobstructed days following a sankranti (i.e., the day on completion of the work, the god Ganpati and which the sun crosses from one constellation the goddess Jaladevi are installed and wor. to another). Excluding these days, a date shipped daily, till water appears in the is generally fixed on which the Chandra-praha well. Some people, however, install the (or the planet moon) is favourable to the goddess Jaladevi after the appearance of constructor of the well.
water, when a stone is taken out from the On the appointed day, the expert, the bottom of the well and is plastered with red constructor of the well, the Brahman priest, lead to represent the goddess and is cere. and the labourers go to the place where the moniously worshipped. When the construcwell is to be dug, and an image of the god tion of the well is complete, tāstu, i. e., the Ganpati--the protector of all auspicious ceremony in vogue after the completion of a ceremonies--is first installed on the spot and new building or jalotsava (the water-festival) worshipped with panchamrit:* A green is celebrated, Brahmans being entertained coloured piece of atlas (silk cloth), about at a feast, with dakshina given.7
IN. D. Vera, Rajpara.
9 The Schoolmasters of Vanod and Kolki. * D, K. Pandya, Dbhank.
• H. M. Bhatt, Ganod. • The Schoolmasters of Dhbank and Pätanviv. • The Schoolmaster of Dadvi. * The Shoolmasters of Ganod and Dadvi. • A mixture of milk, curds, gbi, honey and sugar. Vide page 29.
Rich persons use silver or golden spades and hoes when turning up the first clod of earth.