Nanda, dynasty, date Nandavanam, a Roman Catholic residence in 8. India
Nandivarman, last Pallava k., 50; N. Pallavamalla, possibly surnamed Atiranachanda, and the Arjuna Rathas, etc., 53; (see Nadivarman, 68) and Pudukkudaiyan Ekadhiram, 69 and n., 70; victor at Tellâru, 71; I... 71 Nanga Parbat, mt. in C. Asia .. 112 Nan-kou-chên, in C. Asia, has Buddhist remains 199 Nan-shan.. 198, f. 95
Narada, and Manu
Narasappaiya, Dalavai under Mangammal, and the Christians, 159 n.; and Mysore, etc., 162, f.; death of.. Narasimhavarman I, Mahamalla, Pallava k., (in the Mahabalipur Antiquities) and Ceylon, etc.
51-53, 55, 1., 70, f. Narasimha varman II, Rajasimha (in the Mahabalipar Antiquities), 55, f.; perhaps sur. named Atiranachanda..
68 152
Naravahas (Nare vahanam), date Narvappaiya, Dalavai to V. R. Chokkanatha. 188 Narendrachandra, date..
Nasik os ve inscrip.
Nasratabad, Seistan cap. natakas
127 232 173
Nature, or vegetation, female element in Sindhi cults
...205 182
Natyaohárya, applied to Bharata Natyasdetra, a work by Bharata, and the Agnipurana, 174, f.; and the ancient rhetoricians, 176; note on, 177; date, 178, f.; and Bhatta Lollata, etc., 181, f.; the oldest work on Alamkaras .. 183 Nava-guna-iantiya, (see s.v. in Index to 1916) .. Sup. 117 Nawab, of the Carnatic, and Madura, 217, 218 & n. Nayaka, Brahman at the Court of Sankaravarman, date ...
and Vişnu
Nazir Jang, and Mazaffar Jang
180 ..247 .. 133
Negapatam, and the cyclone in Pondicherry, (1761). 7, 15, 18; first Portuguese settlement on Coromandel Coast, 74 and n.; and Muttu Alakâdri
Nemichandra, Jaina author, date Nênmêni, near Sattar, has inscrips. of Chokkanatha
40 n.
Neolithic finds, in C. Asia (by Sir A. Stein), 140, 167, 169, 249 Newcastle, ship, and the cyclone in Pondicherry, (1761) 6, 8, 9, 11-18, 20, f. New Light on the Gupta Era and Mihirakulá
96, 1. 188, f.
New moon, festival, in Sind Ngan-si, Parthia..
Nicks, John, E. I. Co.'s servant, letter to Nicobar Islands, and Austria's Commercial Venture in the Eighteenth Century .. Nim, leaves, and snake bites, F.G. 142;
.. 261 .. 394
Numismatics, and the date of Kanishka Nut, Russian post in the Pamirs Nyachut, pass nydsas, used by Bana
277, f. tree, F.G. 144
.. 287
Nirgranthas, Jaina sect, and Kalkiraja Nirvana, of Mahavira, and the birth of Kalkiraja nisht hd, of Kalki.. Niya, oasis, 141; riv.
287, 280 150 142
Nizam, the, and Madura, etc. 243 & n.; 244 Nobilis, Robt. de, founder of Jesuit Mission in Madura, retirement and last days.. 22, 61 n. Norfolk, the ship, and the cyclone at Pondicherry (1761) 6, 9-12, 14 & n., 15, 18 n., 19, 21 Northington, E. I. Co.'s ship, and Austria's Commercial Venture in the 18th Century 284 Notes from Old Factory Records, 48, 64, 79, 106, 192, 220, 248, 275, 304 Notes on Sind, I. The position of Mt. Eiros.. 133 Notion of Kingship, the, in the Sukhaniti, book-notice
nouns, in the Prakrits
Novara, frigate, in Austria's commercial venture in the Eighteenth Century numbers, lucky, etc.
48 34, f.
.. 278 F.G. 128 271 ..230 .. 114 191
O & E, the Wide Sound of, with Special Reference to Gujarati.. 297-304 Oddisa, (see a.v. in Index to 1916), and Visnu, Sup. 117 Oemo-Kadphises, Yen-Kao-Tohen, son of Kadphises
official, an, present to, in Old Factory Records. 220 offspring, for the childless F.G. 139 48
Old Factory Records, see Notes from.. Omalur, R. C. Missionary settlement in 8. India
24 F.G. 126-128
O-po, pass.. ..199 oppression, official, under V. Chokkanatha.. 187 Original Papers Relating to the Cyclone at Pondicherry on New Year's day in 1781. 5 ff. Orissa, and Kalkf.. .. 148 Orme, R., and the cyclone at Pondicherry in 1761 5, 6 n.. 12 & n., 13 & n., 16