Mudela Rudra Nayak, Alakadri Naik, and
Sengamala D&s .. .. .. .. .. 98 Muda Miyan and Vijaya Kumara .. 272, f. Mughal, Mughals, and Marathas in the Carna
tie, 77 and n. 78.; emperor, and Sambaji, 120 ; or Moghul, conquest of the Dakkan, 121, f.; Mughal's slipper, in :ident of, 122, f. ; suprem. soy in Madura, 158, 159, f. ; and 8. India, 217, 219; and Samarkand, 231; or Mogul,
emperor, and the E. L. Co. .. .. .. 286 Muhammad of Ghazni, in India .. .. 34 Muhammad Ali, and magic, 69 n.; and
Chanda Sahib, 247 and n.; and Vijaya
Kumara, eto. .. .. .. .. 272-274 Muhammad ĶAsim, and India .. .. .. 34 Muhammad Yakub Khan, with Sir A. Stein,
110, 166, 193, 201, 223 Muhammadan, Architecture in Gujarat, etc.,
and the late Dr. J. Burgess, 3, f.; rule, in 8. India, 34; over Hindus, 64, 138; attacks on Tanjore, 38, f.; claims, and Rauga Krishpa, 122 ; saints, their tomba, near ancient Buddhist shrines in Gorachöl, 141, mosque, endowed by Mangammal, 159; chiefs, and Vellore, 160 n. ; raid, into Travancore, 162 n.; advent, into Madura, 213 n., interference in, 216, 217 and n.; remains, in C. Asia, 222, art, in Samarkand, or Musalman, in Trichinopoly
241, 246 Muhammadanism, and Hinduism in Sind..206, 208 Muhammadans, tolerated, by Tirumal Naik,
28; and Cbokkanátha, 41-43, 96, f; and
Marathas .. .. .. .. .. 243 Muharram, the, and the Bebi Syed cult .. 207 Muk-su, gorge, in C. Asis .. .. 228 & n. Melaka, tribe or co., identified with Malika .. 127 Malikar, aos 8Qlikas .. .. .. .. 127 Mul Kadavara, (800 s.v. in Index to 1916) and
Vişnu .. .. .. .. .. Sup. 117 Multani Revival in sind..
1.. .. .. 206, 207 Muni.. .. .. .. .. .. 179, f. Munja, Paramara k. .. .. .. 179, f. Murári Roo, Maratha governor of Trichino
poly, 242-244 and n.; and Muhammad Ali. 247 Murghab, or Bartang, riv., 228 ; and Oxus
source, blooked .. .. .. .. 227, 254 Murtuk, Buddhist ruins near .. .. 202 Marundas, Purudha, corruption of Mauryas. 182 & n. Musalman, domination, and Mutta Virapps,
etc., 38, 1., invasion, of Madura, 42, f., inter ference in, 216, 238142; daryal, grant made to, 169; Version, of Hindu culo, 205
and Trichinopoly, 244; as oman . F.G. 128 . Musalman, and the Maravo tro, F.G. 137;
and the pig, ato.
Museum, C. Indian, and Delhi .. .. .. 253 Muttammal, q. to Range Krishna, and Sati
" .. .. 124, 168 Muttu Ala-kAdri, Muttu Virappa, 37, f.,
40 & n., 216 Muttu Kuchu, the horse of the Polygar of Ariyalor
.. . 105 n. Muttu Litigappa, name in copper-plate
grant. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 n. Muttu Tirumalai Naik and the Marathas .. 244 Muttu Vijaya Raghunatha, 209 n.; or Vijaya
Raghunatha, 2.0. .. .. .. .. 209 Muttu Virappa, or Muttu Alakâdri, q.v. .. 37 Muzaffar Jang, and Nazir Jang .. .. 247 Muztagh ata, mt., range, 224; or Sel tagh .. 226 Mylapore, and do Nobilis, 22 ; and the Portu
guese .. .. .. .. .. .. 226 Mysore, a Roman Catholic vicariato, 23; and
Chokkanátha, 44 and n., 97 and n., 98, 158; under Chika Déva Raj, 57, 76; and Madura, 76, 189; attacked by Sambaji, 120 and Aurangzeb, etc., 122 ; &nd Mangamma], 158; and the Kongu Province, 161, and Trichinopoly, 183, and Vijaya Kumara, 273 ; and
the Polygars . . . . . . .. .. 274 Mysoro, Archaeological Department, Annual
Report for 1916, book-notice .. .. 135 Mysoreang, and Chok kanátha, etc., 40, 97 & n.,
76 ; and Muhammad Ali .. .. .. 247
Nadivarman (for Nandivarman ?), last Pallava
k., and Atiranachanda . .. .. 88 Någ temples .. .. .. .. F.G. 139 Någaraja, in the Arjuna bas-relief . .. 64 NajArjun Hill Caves, inscrips. ... .. 125, 127 Någ-magas, beggar sect .. .. F.G. 140 Någ.Nath, a snake .. ..
.. F.G. 139 Nag-panchami, snake day .. .F.G. 138 f. Nágs, in Påtal . .. .. .. F.G. 143 Naha vâņa (=Nahapaņa), date .. .. .. 162 Nahavend, battle .. Naik Kingdom of Madura, History of (contd.
from Vol. XLV, p. 204), 22–28, 38—47, 57-63, 74–78, 96—105, 119-124, 156-163, 183—190, 209219, 237–247,
978-376 Nallara, a Vrittikara .. .. .. .. 191 NA-mal Kumars, (ne 9.v. in Index to 1918) and Virņu .. ..
.. Sup. 117 namos, derived from animals and planta. F.G. 144 Namuchi, a nakahana .. .. .. 66, 67 Nani Famawls, or Furnuwees, and Wm. Bolta .. .. .. ..
- 979