( DECEMBER, 1917
Letter from the President and Council of Bombay to the Chief
and factors at Broach, dated 18 September 1777.12 Enclosed is an extract from the Honble. Company's commands dated the 21st February to which you will pay strict obedience.
The Austrian Ship therein mentioned having actually arrived at Surat, you are hereby enjoined upon no account to permit of any commercial or other intercourse being carried on with the persons concerned in that ship by any persons whatever under your jurisdiction, and to prevent by every legal method any investment of cotton or any other goods being provided for her in any of the districts subject to your management. In short, you are, as far as in you lies, to carry the Companys orders respecting her strictly into execution.
Letter from the Council at Surat to the Governor and Council
at Bombay, dated 27 September 1777.13 We dispatch this chiefly to advise you the Imperial Ship left the Bar some days ago for Gogo 14 Mr Bolts from the impediments he found here, not having been able to transact any business here, we imagine induced him to take this Step. His Cargo consists of Iron, Copper, Steel, Cochineal, Saffron, a large quantity of Ordnance, warlike Stores, some Jewelry and other Articles, amounting to about five (5) Lace of Rupees, but the former are the principal. The Chief, on his departure, took every measure in his power to prevent Mr Bolts meeting with any Success, thro' his influence with the Nabob, getting him to write suitable Letters to the Rajahs of Bownagur Bhaunagar in Kåthiâwar ] and Gogo, and by advices the Chief has just received, we find Mr Bolts has not hitherto been able to transact any business there.
At the time this Ship was at the Bar, the weather would not permit our Gallivat lá laying in the road, but we shall do what We possible (sic) can to communicate to the Ships Company the gratuity allowed to Recruits, to induce them to enter into the Company's Service. The other orders you have been pleased to give regarding this Ship will be duly attended to.
Letter from the Council at Broach to the President and Council
at Bombay, dated 4 October 1777.16 We have taken every Precaution to prevent any Subjects of this Government having any Commercial Intercourse with the Austrian Ship mentioned in your commands of the 11th Ultimo, and shall use our Endeavours to carry the Honble. Company's Orders into Execution. That Vessel has left Surat and is now at Bownagur, the Rajah of which place. it is reported, for the Consideration of 20,000 Rupees, has given free Liberty for the Persons concerned in her, both of Import and Export Trade, without further Duties of any kind. This, We think our Duty to notice to you, altho' We have not sufficient Grounds to mention it as a Certainty.
Letter from the President and Council of Bombay to the Residents
at Broach, Tellicherry and Anjengo, dated 11 October 1777. 17 Our Honble. Masters shp, Rochford, Northington, Hawke, arrived here from England the 12th 13th and 15th August, and enclos'd is an extract of their Commands received by
12 Bombay Letters Sent, (1777) LVI. 116.
13 Letters Received at Bombay, (1777), XLIII. # Gogh, old seaport on the Kathiwar Coast, near Bhaunagar. 15 Large rowing boat (Port. yaleola), derivation uncertain, connected with "galley". 16 Letters Received at Bombay, (1777), XLIII. 321. IT Bombay Letters Sent, (1777), LVI, 124, 126-127.