Extract from a consultation at Bombay Castle, 16 September 1777.11 The Austrian Ship Joseph and Theresa, mentioned by the Honble. Company in their Commands, dated the 21st of February last, having unexpectedly arrived at Surat Bar, The President William Hornby) still continuing much indisposed, desired Mr Carnao to summon this Meeting to deliberate what Measures to pursue on the Occasion.
The Surat Advices received yesterday were then read, together with the Honble. Companys Commands respecting the Ship, which being taken into consideration, the following Resolutions were Unanimously Agreed to.
We much approve of the Conduct the Chief has hitherto observed with respeot to this Ship, and of the Answer He returned to the Application made by Mr Bolts, [not traced] and He must be directed to continue to pursue every justifiable Method to prevent all commercial and other Intercourse with every person whatever belonging to, or concerned in this Ship, and for that purpose He must likewise make use of the Nabobs Influence.
The Chief and Council must also be instructed to raise every difficulty they legally can to obstruct Mr Bolts from making an Investment of Cotton, or any other kind of goods at Surat, and in this point also to apply for the Nabobs Assistance.
Neither Mr Bolts or any of the Persons concerned in this Expedition mitst be perinitted to have any intercourse with the Nabob, or any of the Officers of Government.
As the Honble. Company have pronounced that by the Laws of England now in force We have a right to seize all British Subjects who may be found in the East Indies without their Permission, the Chief and Council must be directed to take every consistent Opportu. nity for putting such Laws into Execution, but to prevent all Mistakes it must be observed to them that We are assured Mr Bolts himself is not a British Subject.
We are inclined to believe that when the Ships Company are apprized of the handsome Bounty Money we give to Recruits, many of them will enter voluntarily, and the Chief and Council inust do their utmost to prepare a List of the Ships Crew as well as the Account they have promised of the Cargo.
With respost to the Requisitions made by Mr Bolts of Refreshments for the Sick, and Assistance for the Vessell, Humanity will not permit of our absolutely refusing them. The Chief and Council must not therefora deny them such aid in these Pointa as may be indispensibly requisite.
Should the Chief and Council be at a L233 on any other Points, they must refer to the Orders We have given respecting Swedish and other Foreign Ships which have at different times resorted to Surat.
Advice must be sent to all the Subordinate Settlements of the arrival of this Ship at Surat, with the most strict directions to prevent by every legal Method any Investments being provided for her within their Jurisdiction, and to carry the Company's Orders reepooting her strictly into Execution. . However much We may wish to show all possible respect to a Commission from so illustrious a Personage as the Empress Queen, We cannot, consistent with the Duty We owe to our Employers and their Orders, shew any distinction to Mr Bolts, who, after having been in their Service, has engaged in Commerce so repugnant to their Interest, and whose former Conduct at Beagal occasioned his being arrested and sent to England by an Act of that Government.
A1 Bombay Public Consultanons, (1777), XLIV. 234-236.