OCTOBER, 1917)
cf. with Faerie Queen, 1, 5, 2:
"And Phoebus, fresh as bridegroom to his mate Came dancing forth, shaking his dewy hair
And hurled his glistening beam through gloomy air." (V) "FATAU rouhaT 10" -Rigo III, 61, 3. cf. with “The welkin way most beaten plaine" -Faerie Queen I, 4, 9.
Miscellaneous. (VI) "TOTT Part 444-28TH F31:11 "- Raghu VIII, 5.
cf. with " He saw in Mahomet, with his old life-worn eyes a century old, the lost Abdallah come back again, all that was left of Abdallah."--(Carlyle's Heroes.--Hero as a Prophet)
There is some difference between the above two passages. The subjects (praja) do not get old. Hence in the Raghu, we do not expect to find the old life-worn eyes'; nor do we find all that was left of .....' because the departure of Raghu was quiet and peaceful leaving behind him nothing which would indicate hard times. (VII)
"Tesla gr: geti ya TMENT 2:1 चीनांशुकमिव केतोः प्रतिवासं नीयमानस्य || 12"
Kako I, 29. cf. with T. Moore's "The Journey Onwards" :
" As slow our ship her foamy track Against the wind was cleaving, Her trembling pennant still look'd back To that dear isle 'twas leaving. So loth we part from all we love, From all the links that bind us ; So turn our hearts, as on we rove,
To those we have left behind us!" ["grama tara " may hint that the flag belongs to a ship and not to a chariot.]
The following sentence is taken from the Uttarabhaga of Kadambari:(VIII) "T: AYA HFerarar TATT FÅ FAT ferat fra GTC 13" cf. with G. Wither's “ The Mistress of Philarele":
" When her ivory teeth she buries
Twixt her two enticing cherries, If you look again the whiles She doth part those lips in smiles, 'Tis as when a flash of light
Breaks from heaven to glad the night." (IX)
"वं जीवितं स्वमसि मे हदयं द्वितीयं 1 2tg !!"
-Uttararamacharitam, III, 26 cf. with R. Herrick's "To Anthea"
"Thou art my life, my love, my heart,
The very eyes of me, And hast command of every part To live and die for thee."
10 - Moving to the old goal." (Peterson.) "Treading the old (usual) path." (Sayana.) 11 " The subjects looked upon him their sovereiga lord as Raghu himself returned to youth." 12 "The body moves forward, the dull mind runs back like the flag of the staff carried against the
13 "Gradually, the moonlight added beauty to the face of the Night on which a faint smile lurked on account of the appearance of the moon (her lover)"
14 - Thou art my life, my second heart; Thou art moon light to my eyes, the nectar to my limbs."