JUNE, 1917)
K VYAMİMNS O RIJAEKHARA, edited by Interesting also is the classification of poets un. Mr. C. D. DALAL, M.A. and R. ANANTAKRISHNA
DALAL M.A. and R. ANANTA KRISHNA der ten heads :-KavyavidyAenataka (novice in the SHASTRY, Baroda, 1916. Price Rs. 2.
art of poetry). Hridayakavi (one who keeps his
poems concealed in his own heart), Anyápadel (& Oriental scholars will ever remain grateful to tho
shy poet publishing his poems under a pecudonym), Government of His Highness the Maharaja Gaek!
Mahakavi, Kavirja, ÅVesike (inspired), etc. (pp. wad of Baroda for the publication of this new 19-20). It gives & sidelight on king and their series-Gaek wad's Oriental Series—the first volume
patronage to arts and scienceg. A king should of which is the work under review. The editors have discharged their duty creditably
have a special chamber for testing literary compo
the edition sitions. . . . . . In its) middle there should being & critical one and the introduction and be an altar ... Here the king should take notes valuable.
his seat. On its northern side should be seated The author is identical with the Rijasekhara Sanskrit poets and behind them Vaidikas, logiwhose name is famous for his dramas, Karparamai. cians, Pauranikas, Smirtas, physicians, astrolojari, Balarama yana, &c. He calls himself Yayava. garg and such others; on the eastern side the riya (born in the Yayavara family) and very often Prakrita poets, and behind them actors, dancers, introduces it at the end of a digsussion on a topic singers, musicians, bards and such others; on the asili Yayavariya l'or' nsti Yayivariyal.' This style wastern side the [Apabhrausa) poets and behind in a work of known authorship and of known date them painters, jewel settors.
and such is a tangible refutation of the theory that the stris others; and on the southern side Paischs poets and in which phrases like ity aha Badar Ayanah, ili Bo. behind them... ropedancers jugglers, wrest. dhayanal, ili Valeydyanah, neti Kautilyah, &c., occur lers and professional soldiers. . . A king should should not be logically ascribed to those acharyas. hold assemblies for the examination of the works The work under review is a treatise on alank ira.
of poets. He should patronize poots, bscomo the But it is not a guide for the proper appreciation of
Sabhipsti (president) fike the ancient kings, V&su
deva, Satavahans, Sudraks and Sahasanka, and ravay.garasani figures of spash of classical Sanskrit postry. It is rather & handbook for the guidance
honour and give donations to tho posts, whose
works stand the test. Assemblies of learned mon of the posts themselves. Hence it mentions the
(Brahmwabhis) should b held in big cities for fora, fauns, etc. to be described in connection with the diffrent seasons and countries. Thus
examining postical and scientific works; and the Buscassful should be convayed in a special chariot
and should be crowned with a fillet. Such aszemwith an eccount of the colours of the peopls of
blies for examining in poetry were held in Ujjayini. diff arent parts of India-a subject which is to b
Kalidass, Mentha, Amara, Rapa, Sara, Bhiravi, compared to the statorants in the Bharatan tya.
Harichandra and Chandragupta were examined bastra (J. 4. S. B. 1909, pp. 359-60). It discusses
here. Pataliputra was the centre for examinations the question of plagiarism and how far it may be allowed and sum it up thus :
in sciences. It was after passing from here that
Upavarsha, Varsha, Panini, Pingala, Vyadi, Vara. नास्त्यचौरः कविजनो नास्त्यचौरो वणिग्जनः ! ruchi, and Patanjali got fame as istrakäras. स नन्दति विना वाच्यं यो जानाति निगृहितम् ।।
Novel also is Rijasekhara's idea of the Kavya.
purusha and his bride Sahityavidyd vadha. It mentions the local peculiarities of Sanskrit
Apart from these and other original matters (e. g. and Prakrit pronunciation. The question of the divine origin of poetics ; promulgation of poetics; use of the various dialecte as the vehicle of poetry has
its position in literature &c.) the work is also inbeen solved thus :- TT ( UTETETOH teresting for its charming style. Though aphorismEn 1, Trna alg: 1 79TTİT: I
like and terse, its prose is vigorous, exceedingly Get A A (p. 6). Now what is this misram charming and pleasing to the ears.
a) raresented as the breast of the embodi. Little did our author dream, when he inserted ment of poetry? Is it not a mixed language like in his work (p. 27) the Gaths of the Buddhists or Senart's "Mixed
"ख्याता नराधिपतयः कविसंश्रयेण Sanskrit" of Inscriptions? In connection with
राजाश्रयेण च गताः कवयः प्रसिद्धिम् । the bearing of the various branches of learning to poetry. it classifies Arthasastra, N&tyasastra and
राज्ञा समोऽस्ति न कवेः परमोपकारी Kamasutra, under one head-Rájasiddhanta (p. 37). राज्ञो न चास्ति कविना सनशःसहायः॥" The systems of philosophy have been classified that he will find a paramopakari in the person of thus :
H. H. the Maharaja Gaek wad who will ever bo Pramgnika,
praised by all lovers of Sanskrit literature for this act of literary patronage.
Anvikshiki or Tarka
DEPARTMENT, FOR THE YEAR 1916, BANGALORE. Mimகில்லி Mimeம்ஜி |
It is gratifying to note that the Archäologioal Arhat Bhadanta Lokayata Sankhya Nyaya Vaiboshika Department of the Mysore Government has main
tained its best traditions by its manifold activities (See p. 4 and pp. 36-7]
during the period under review. The Report which