[JUNE, 1917
containing an abridged prose translation of the was born at Jaura, in Mowar, and the mention of particular rásas, illustrated by the nctes mentioned this place, which is now in ruins, gives the Editor above, the second containing the poetical texts, and an opportunity for inserting an erudite note on the third containing lists of obsolete or difficult the remains, which he has explored. words occurring in the texts, with renderings in 4. Bhima Oopdi. Composed by a pupil of Kirti modern Gujaratt. The edition of the texts dous Sågara sari in Sanat 1742. A eulogy of Bhime not claim to be critical, it is merely a faithful copy Sáha, a pious Poravala of Agapura (near Dagars of the manuscripts, but as these are for the most pura), with special reference to a pilgrimage which part accurate, the absence of philological criticism he, in the function of sanghapati, made in is not much folt. The language of the râsas is Dhulevajt (Kesariyajt). Old Gujarati, and the works contained in the first 5. Khema Hardiya nd Rása. Composed by two fascicui, with which we are concorded, were Lakşmi Ratna in Samvat 1741. A legend of a composed between Samvat 1589 and 1741. setha, Khemd of Harald, who relieved the popula
Of course, it could not reasonably be expected tion of Câpanera during a terrible famine under the that all the works which form the subject of the reign of Muhammad Begard. Series should be equally important from the his- 6. Raya Candra Sari Guru Baramdaa. A small torical point of viow. The fact that the rasas poem in the form of a dialogue between Raya selected for publicution are defined as aitihasika Candra--the protagonist of the Rosa Ratna Rasa in the title given to the Series, does not mean any- mentioned above and his sister, who by deferibthing except that the personages describəd or mening to him the different beauties and pleasures tioned in them are historical. But the particulars obtaining in the twelve months of the year, tries to given of the life of those personages are not always dissuade him from his intention to take the dik d. 80. In most cases the account is fantastical and The second fasciculus is all dedicated to a single fuil of supernatural facts, miracles, etc., which may work, called the Yaiobhadradi Rdsa, composed by be believed by the devout Jain, but are mere rub-Lavanya Samayn in Samoat 1589. In the introbich to the critio. The rdsas contained in the first duction to the work (pp. 4-16), the Editor gives & fasciculus are six, and they deal with the subjects short biographical account of this Jain poet, who following:
was born at Ahmadabad in Samvat 1621, and of 1. Kocara Vyavahári Rása. Composed by his productions, which are all poetical works and Guna Vinaya in Samval 1687. It contains a legend not less than 30 in number. He was, of course, & concerning Kocars, & Viso Poravářs of Salakhang-monk, and his lay name, previous to his initiation pura (near Anahilapura Patana), who became lord was Lahd Raja. A valuable work of Lavanya of twelve villages and proclaimed the amari (pro Samays-the Vimala Prabandha-had already hibision of killing any animal) throughout this been brought to light by Mani Lala Bakora Bhat territory. The legend appears to be altogether of Surat (Sanwat 1970). The present work falls fantast,cal, but a Dobalaharo Sajana St of Kham- into three parts, or khandas, of which the two first bhata, who has a principal part in the legend, and contain the life of Khimargi and Balibhadra, two other Dosalahards of Delhi, who had in their ser- disciples of Yacobhadra Suri, and the third the life of vice a bard (yacaka) De Pája, are historical persons Yagobhadra Sari himself. Cougidering that Lavanya ages, as shown by the Editor in a noto.
Samaya wrote over 500 years after the time 2. Rasa Ratna Rasa, Composed by Jaya in which his protagonists lived-Yakobhadra died Candra Gani in Samvat 1654. It contains a biogra- Samoat 1029-, it is no wonder if his account is phical account of Raya Candra Sari, his predecessor inaccurate and altogether fantastical. In this Samara Cendra, and Samara Candra's predecessor respect the work has no value whatever, historiPariva Candra. The last mentioned Achary - cally. But there are many other rdgas in existence, who was the founder of a separate goocha-died in which, when brought to light, will be found to Samvat 1612, whilst Raya Candra took the dikoa better justify the title of aitihdeika which Vijaya in Sapat 1626. The fact that the rdea is almost Dharma Suri has given to his Rdes Sangraha. contemporary with the personages it describes, We know that the third fasciculus is already makes it particularly reliable and gives the account in the press, and let us express the hope that the & character of authenticity.
learned Jain Acharya may continue the publication 3. Sumati Sadhu Sari Vipihald. By Lavanya through many more fasciculi, and soon enable us Samaya (Samual-century 1500). A short biography to have a deeper and sufficient insight into this of Ratna Sokhara Suri's pupil Sumati Sadhu 80ri, interesting motion of the Jain literaturo. who lived in Samat 1494-1561. Sumati Sadh