MAY, 1914.]
completely from all sin, from sluggishness in speech, the stiff in speech become charming in address and expression82. Salutation to the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattva Mahâkarupa and the illustrious Arya Avalokisteśvara.
The essential spellg83 which will accomplish these [objects) are as follows: Oi dhara (repeat 7 times), dhiri (seven times), dhuru (eight times). Protect us against fear, harm, destruction of life, curses, protect us! Sara (seven times)! Siri (seven times)! Suru (seven times)! Mara (seven times)! Muru (seven times)! Protect us from all disease, protect us ! Hili (eight times) 181 hulu (eight times) ! kili (nine times ) ! mili (eight times)! isi-li (nine times)! sulu (9 times)! Repel all demons ! On visara visara kanpa ka pa naiana nasayanasaya!
Against wrathful and malignant enemies whom you desire may come no nearer, make burnt-offerings and employ the above spells and afterwards repeat them once more. Sváha ! This will close the eyes of foes, close the ears, nose, tongue, bind the body, mind, and all the members, large and small it will bind. Sphuta, sphula, sphula sphoaya (three times)!
To clear away all destructive influences and curses, suppress every evil under every circumstance. Sarvatru úma, turu (four times ), Svâhâ ! Protect us against fear and all kinds of harm, destruction of life, curses, ghosts and apasmara. Protect us! Svaha.
To cleanse from all one's sins-a prayer to cleanse: Tsara Tsara sváha ! mara mara sváha, Siri siri svaha, kuru kuru svâha, dhuru dhuru svâhâ !
For men desirous that harm shall not increase or that they be not befogged or stranded in solitude, or enraged or deluded, that they may turn aside all demons(bhita), and all seizing'demons (graha) and all diseases so that they do not drive people insane, do not befog the mind, stiffen, frighten, at all frighten, dismember, overpower, Svâhâ ! Nile (three times) ! Keie svaha piti (three times)! Keie svaha lohite (three times) ! Kese sváha mavadáte avadáte avabhata / Keie sváhá sveto sveto vastudharaniye svaha ! Turn aside the power of all demons! Cleanse us from all sin, Sváha! Increase (good) deeds(two times), increase our good-luck and prosperity, increase our (good) deeds ! Svâhâ ! Protect us against fear, harm, onset of sickness, all [evil ? ] births and destruction of life, and all curses, and all disease-demons and all sin, and all evil planets and vast evils and all visible and invisible harm! Protect us, Svâhâ !
"This (spell] named The All-Victorious Turner-aside (Vijaya Pratyamgira) produces victory 85 Whosoever on their neck [hangs) this (spell] enfetters [evil] and thus becomes certainly the victor. The unblessed path of troublous dreams, sin, enemies of all kinds, robbers, fire and kings all these cannot harm. Whoever on their neck (hangs ]this ( spell ] enfetters (evil ]; then the water-floods cannot carry him off. Sins become cleansed, every virtue becomes swiftly increased, illness is banished by profitable gain. The book on the) noble Vijaya pratyangira, so named, is finished. Mangala i !"
The Tibetan text of the Sitatapatra or Mahâ pratya igira Dharani is easily accessible, as in addition to its occurrence in the Ka-gyur Canon, and in the Dharani Pitaka (Mdo-mai gzuns), it is also frequently met with as a separate manual. The Red Copper Beak' however, being less common and as yet un-known in its Sanskrit version, I here append its text, translated in Roman characters from the printed copy in my collection, in the India Office Library, K. 17 Vol. Z. (18). Its translation I have given at pp. 39-41.
62 Implies the attributes of the Vedic Vách, the goddess of speech, the prottoype of Sarasvati. 83 Mala mantra.
84 This spell with. Hiki kili mili' is evidently part of the great peafowl charm against snakes ascribed in simpler forms to Buddha. See my art. Dhirani Oult., loc. cit.
85 Literally causes victory to arise.'