[MAY, 1914.
Translated from the Tibetan.
BY L. A. WADDELL, C.B., LL.D (Continued from p. 54.)
7. The Flaming Diadem.
Om! In the Indian speech [this is called] Áryosnisa jvala nama Dhâranî; in the Tibetan speech' P'ags-pa gteng-tor' bar.-wa źes bya-bai gzuns.
Salutation to The Three Holy Ones! Namas samanta buddhanâm, apratikatasasanâmâm. On! kha-kha, khâhi, khahi, hûm, hum, jvala, prajvala prajvala, tistha tisthasti sarvadurani mitidusa svavana śânti kurá sváhá.
This indeed is the spell of the thousand Buddhas, it is the famous 'flaming diadem'. This famous luck-bringer makes all one's deed to be blessed, whether they be of different kinds [good or bad ?], whether they be hundreds of thousands, 900, or five fold. Evil dreams and evil omens70 are made harmless. Whoever mutters77 it merely once has [harm] cleared away. The hosts of obstructing demons79 are rendered powerless and utterly destroyed. Life and future happiness become increased! Mangalam! (O happiness!)
8. The All-Victorious Turner-aside (of Evil.)
Vijayavati-pratyagird [Dharani].
[From Ká-gyur rGyud, Hodgson Colln. Calc. (also I. O. ?) Vol. P. (13) No. 51 fol. 389-392: Csoma An. p. 524-51, St. Petersb. Vol. Tsh. (18) No. 730 fol. 225-227: Schmidt's Index p. 101 I. O. (Waddell) Tibet Colln. No. K. 17. (34).]
O! In the Indian speech [this] is called Arya vijayavavavatinas nama pratyangira; in the Tibetan speech 'Pa'gs-pa p'yir-zlog-pa rnampar rgyal-ba-chan: [that is, The Noble All-Victorious Turner-Aside or Repeller].
Salutation to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the guardians who strive after the welfare of all living beings! Salutation to all the Sâdhanas (rituals for compelling visions of spellspirits)! Salutation to all the holders of spells (mantras)! Salutation to Buddha, The Law and The Order! Salutation to the Bodhisattvas, Mahâsattva Mahakarunase and the illustrious Arya Avalokistesvara. All these were saluted by Vijayâvati Pratyamgirâ, who throws off life-destroying agencies and curses, pacifies the ghosts of the dead and excessive misfortune, dissipates fear [at the hands] of kings, fear of robbers, fear of fire, fear of floodwater, fear of dakinip-reta, pisacha, kumbhanda âstáraka, apasmâra, putana,s1 fear of losing the track, fear of the cremation-path fear of those beings who walk in the darkness of the night and in the daylight. She makes them harmless and of a good disposition or entirely disperses them, repels all enemies, pacifies all upsetting and obstructing demons. She cleanses
11 belas.
bgeg-s= Skt. gana.
16 mt'san. an.
79 This is obviously corrupt for vijayavati, the form in the St. Petersburgh text, and Schmidt p. 101, which is also the form given in the Sanskrit Tibetan Dictionaries.
80 This is an epithet of Avalokita, although here differentiated from that divinity by and.' 81 Classes of evil spirits.