[MARCH, 1913.
Ashâdha of the Vikrama year 1030, which no doubt represents the date of the composition of thi inscription, as Prof. Kielhorn rightly thinks:
The Maharajadhiraja Simharaja, having bathed in the Pushkara tirtha, granted the villages: (1) Simhagoshtha in the Tanakupaka group of twelve, his personal possession, (2-3) Traikalakakar and 1sânakupa in the Pattavaddhaka vishaya and (4) Kaņhapallika in the Sarahkoţta vishaya : his brother Vatsaraja, the village Kardamak hâta in the Jayapura vishaya, his present possession ; the king Vigrabaraja, the villages Chhatradhârâ and Samkaranaka referred to in verse 25; Simharaja's other sons Chandraraja and Govindraja, one village (grāma), one hamlet (pallika), and two wards or localities of town (pataka) from the Pattavaddhaka and Darbhakaksha vishayas ; Dhanduka, an official of Simharaja's, the village Mayura padra in the Khajakupa vishaya ; and a certain Jayaniraja, the village Kolikûpaka. Likewise, for the benefit of the temple, one minisepaka on every kutaka of salt at Sakambhari was assigned by the Bhammaba guild, and one dramma On every horse by horse-dealers of the north. Besides, fields were given by various pious people in the villages of Maddipurika, Nimbadika, Marupallika, Harsha and-kalavanapadra
of the places mentioned in the list, Pushkara tirtha near Ajmer is well-known. Sakambhari is, of course, Sâmbhar, on the borders of the Jedhpur and Jaipur States and famous for its salt lake. of the names of the provinces Tunakupaka is Tunu, Pattavaddhaka Patoda, and Darbhakaksha Dhakas-all in the Sikar principality. Kbattakúpa is obviously Khard in Sambhar Nizamat, Jaipur State, and Sarahkota Sargot in Marot, Jodhpur. Jayapura is suggested by Kielhorn to be the modern Jaipur. But this is impossible as this town was founded by Jaisimba II. in A.D. 1728. As regards the names of places, Simhagoshtha is simhot, Lianakupa probably Dishnu. Kanhapallika Kansar, Kolikupa Kolida, Maddaparika Madavra.Nimbadilka Nimedi botb at the foot of the Haras hill and Marupallika Maroli-all in the Sikar Chiefship.
Text. ......... ।। सविनशम[नं सुरार्थितं ] पूर्वमेव [शिवयोस्त जवम् । भुक्ति मुक्तिपरमार्थसिद्धिदं तं नमामि व[ रदं]---[1] [१]......... ..........[का ]कुलितमानसैः । स्तूयमानस्वसहेवैः पातु वस्त्रिपुरांतकः॥ [२]
पादन्यासावनुन्ना नमति वसुमती शेषभोगावला. [बाहू क्षेपैः[समं]-~~~~~~---
--चन्द्रः । मिन्नावृष्यं समस्तं भवति हि भुवनं यस्य नृत्ते प्रवृत्ते स श्रीहर्षाभिधानो जयति पशुपतिइत्तविश्वानुकंपः ।। [३] सव्ये शूले त्रिशिखमपरे दोष्णि भिक्षाकपालं भूषा [च]-~-~
[भु]जमः काठका नीलकंठे । नेदृग्वेषस्त्रिनयन मया कापि दृष्टो विचिच इत्थं गौर्या प्रहसिसहरः सस्मितः पातु युष्मान् ॥ [१] वे[गो ब्रूतार्यमादिग्रहगगनतलं व्यनुवाना जलान्य कुर्वाणा [ समु]
[क्यवलितजलाम्मिमालासहस्राः । देयानभ्यर्थितं वः शशधरधवला स्वर्द्धनी चंद्रमालेमौलौ लीलां वहन्ती स्फुटविकटजटावन्धने चीरिकायाः ॥ [५] चंचचंद्रार्कतारं भुवननगनदीढी[]सिं
* From the original stone inscription.
Rend भिन्नावस्था Restore it to
• Supply गजाननं. or UTT. Read
B Rend बाहू.
• Read. सिंधु