AUGUST, 1913.]
1907 (125). From the west wall of the kitchen in the Siddhajñânêévara temple at Pâpângulam (Tinnevelly). Sale of land to the temple of Karutt-arindu-muditta Pândi [Sa] ramudaiya Nayanar. Date. 8th year of Maravarman. . . Tribh. Kulasekhara; Dhanus 11; ba. Tuesday, "Svâti."
On Tuesday 15th December 1821 (=19 Dhanus) bs. 10 ended at 18 and "Svâti" at 24 of the day.
[The inked impression of the inscription was read again in my presence by the Epigraphist, and the conclusion come to by him was that the solar day of the month could be read either" as "11" or as "19." The latter reading suits the other chronological details which are clear.]
1907 (149). From the south wall of the shrine of the goddess in the Siva temple at Půvâlaikkuḍi (Pudukkotai State). Gift of the village of Půvâlaikkudi. Mentions the festival called Maramanikkan-sandi and a certain Solai-Kalyilâyamudaiyân alias Kalikaḍinda Pandiyadevar. The temple is called Uḍaiyâr Tiruppuvalaikkaḍi-udaiya-Nayanâr in Vadaparrunâḍu including Sevvalûr, a sub-division of Kûdalar-nâḍu, a district of Ten-kônâdu.
Date.-16th year of Mâr. Kulasekhara "who took every country;" Vrischika; su. 5; Wednesday," Rêvati."
On Thursday, 25 January, 1380, Kumbha [not Vrischika], su. 5 and Rêvati ended at .20 and 18 respectively; in other words they were current for the greater part of Wednesday, 24 January, on which they commenced at 10 and 07 respectively [Vrischika, error for Kumbha].
[The Epigraphist, at p. 78 of his Annual Report for 1907-08, identifies this prince with Mar. Kulasekhara I,but the date does not suit the 16th regnal year of that reign].
On Wednesday, 3 Nov. 1283, Vrischika, su. 12 (not sukla 5) and Rêvati ended at 71 and 71 respectively.
On Wednesday, 81 Oct. 1286, Vrischika, su. 12 (not bukla 5) and Rêvati" ended at 66 and 96 respectively.
These dates would answer for the 16th and 19th years of Mâravarman Kulasekhara I (16 and 19 being easily confounded in Tamil writing with each other); but fukla 5 for sukla 12 is not an error so readily accounted for as Vrischika for Kumbha.
Jata varman Tribh. Parakrama Pandya. (Reign began between 15 April and 10 August 1815.)
1906 (395). From the west wall of the mandapa in front of the Satyagirinatha-Perumal temple at Tirumaiyam (Pudukkottai State). Incomplete. Sale of land for marriage expenses.
Date. 5th year opp. 7th of Jat. Tribh. Parakrama Pândys; Kumbha; ba. 12; Sunday; "Uttara Ashâḍha." On Monday 11 Feb. A. D. 1825, Kambha ba. 12 and "Uttara Ashadha" ended at 22 and 11 respectively. In other words, ba, 12 and "Utt. Ash." were current for the greater part of Sunday, 10 Feb. 1825. [Regnal year should be 10th not 12th].
1894 (17). From the east wall of the mandapa in front of the Pushpavanêsvara shrine at Tiruppuvanam (Madura District). Gift of land.
Date.-(Wrongly assigned in App. to Annual Report for 1894-95 to Konerinmaikondan's 8th year) 9th year of Parakrama Pandya; Simha su. 8; Wednesday, "Anuradha." On Wednesday 10 Aug. A.D. 1828, Simha su. 8 and "Anuradha" ended at 48 and 45 respectively.
*Tribh. Kulasekharadeva.
[28 July A.D. 1166 fell in his 5th year. This must have been the Kulasekhara who waged a prolonged war against Parakramabahu of Ceylon. Tirupputtûr is one of the places mentioned in the Mahavamso as having been visited by Lankapura, the Ceylonese General.]
1908 (101). From the Tiruttalisvara temple at Tirupputtûr (Madura District.)
Date.-Year opposite the 4th of Tribh. Kulasekharadeva, "27th day of Karkataka "Rohiņi;" Saturday. In Ep. Ind. Vol. XI, at p. 137 the Epigraphist notes that the date of the, inscription, as judged by the characters, must be earlier than A. D. 1200. I find that the date was Sat. 28 July A. D. 1166 which was the 27th day of Karkataka. On this day "Rohini" and Sravana ba. 10 ended at 70 and 87 of the day respectively.