(AUGUST, 1913.
[Reference to Muhammadan occupation commented on in Ept's. Rept., 1908-09, p. 82] Bunday 16 June 1342 (=21 Mithuna); 80, 12 and "Anuradha" ended at 49 and 77. [Regnal year should be 46, not 44).
(The Epigraphist read the impression again in my presence and was of opinion that the regnal year may be 46 or 49, not 44).
• Jatavarman Sundara Pandya.
(Reign began between 29 Aug. 1302 and 28 Aug. 1308). 1902 (580). From the west of the kitchen in the Kállávara temple at Kalaiyar Kovil (Madura District) Gift of land.
Date:--[1] year of Jat. Sand, Pandya; Simba 81, ba 3; Wed. ..... "pati di." On Wed. 28 Aug. 1814 (=81 Simha) ba. 3 and nakshatra “Asvini." (Tamil, Aivati) ended at •89 and 47; respectively of the day.'
Maravarman Kulabokhara II.
(Reign began between 6th and 29th Maroh 1814.) 1902 (595). From the inner gopura of the Prêmapuriivara temple at Anbil (Trichinopoly District), right of entrance. Incomplete Date year opp. [8rd] of Máratarman Kulabek hara II. Risbaba ;
13th . .. titbi; Wod.; "Svâti.
On Wednesday 6 May, A.D. 1816, Rishabbs su. 18 and "Svati" commenced, ending at 09 and 40 respectively on Thursday. [Regnal year should be "year opp. (2nd) not" your opp. (3rd)'']. • 1908 (119). From the oint wall of the mandapa in front of the central sbrine in the Tilakesvara temple at Devipattanam (Madura District). Mutilated at the beginning.
Date.year opp. 2nd of Kalasekhara...Pandya "who conquered every country;" .... 8th tithi ; Sat. ;." Rôbiņi" .
On Saturday, 19 Feb. 1817, Phalguna 30. 8 and Rhiņi" ended at .92 and 25 respectively.
- From the outer wall, Cabove the gomukhi) of the inner prdkara enclosing the garbhagriha of the Kuttaltsvars temple at Karrálam (or Courtallam, Tinnevelly District)
Date 7th (1) year of Mâravarman Kalasekhara; 13 Kumbha; su. 8; Friday; day of "Robini."
On Friday 5 Feb. A. D. 1321, which was 18 Kambbe, sukla 8 and “Roihni " ended respectively at.59 and 98 of day. The regnal year looks like " Ath" in the impression but is really “ 7th," which fact was verified by the writer's friends at Kurrilam.
1907 (186). From the north wall of the kitchen in the Biddhajñânesvara temple at Pâpângulam (Tinnerelly Distriot). Sale of land to the temple of Karatt-arindamaditta-Pandi [Sa] ramudaiya Nayapar, here said to be in Seranai-Veprin-tiramadaivilagam situated in Mollinada.
Date.-8th year of Måravarman Tribh. Kulasekhara "who took every country ; " Tula "[1] 9"; su. 9; Wednesday; "Sravaņa."
On Wednesday 30 Sep. 1821(=2 Tola), su. 9 and "Sravaņa" ended at .72 and 97 respectively.
The reading 18 Tula, which I believe to be an error for 8 Tula, gives rise to the following observations The epithet “who took every country" may seem to relegate this date to the reign of Mår. Kulasekhara I. The interval between the initial years of the two Kulasekharas being 46 years, it follows that lunar tithis and nakshatras are likely to occur at the same time of the solar year in either reign. (Vide seo, 228 of my Indian Chronology.) Moreover, if a tithi falls this year on 2nd Tula, it must have fallen last year on or about 12th Tula, so that per se a partionlar tithi and nakshatra, due on the 2nd Tala this year, would, ordinarily, have occurred 47 years ago on 12th Tala. Nevertheless, no suitable date, satisfying all the chronological details in the inscription, has been found in the reign of Mâr. Kulabekhara I. except A.D. 1274, which however, was only the 7th year of that reign (not the 8th). On Wednesday 10th October A. D. 1274 (=13 Tula, not 12 Tula) Tola su. 9 commenced at .08 of the day, anding next day at 14, while nakshatra Sravana ended at 55 on Wednesday.
N. B.-This inscription is on the north wall of a temple kitchen, while the next, No. 125, is on the west wall.