JUNE, 1913]
Date.-2nd year opp. [8th] of Måravarman Sundara Pandya; ba. 6; Wed.; "Hasta "= Wed. 6 Jan. 1249, when ba. 6 and "Hasta" ended respectively at 32 and 87 of the day.
[Possibly 11th year, not 10th; the reading is conjectural.]
1902 (616). From the inner side of the north wall of the mandapa in front of the Vriddhapurisvara temple at Tiruppunavasal (Tanjore District). Sale of land.
Date.-3rd year opp. 14th of Maravarman Sundara Pandya "who conquered every country"; Kataka; su. 7; Monday; "Svâti" Monday, 12 July 1255, when Kataka su. 7 ended and "Svâti" began.
Jatavarman Sundara Pandya I.
(Began to reign between 20th and 28th Apl. 1251.)
1906 (260). From the south wall of the central shrine in the ruined Siva temple on the hill at Narasamangalam (N. Arcot). Begins Samasta-jagad-ddhara, etc. Incomplete. Registers a public sale of the village of Narasingamangalam in Mavandar-nâdu, a sub-division of Kaliyûrkôṭṭam, a district of Jayangonda-chôlamandalam.
Date.-7th year of Jat. Sundara Pândya; Vrischika; ba. 3; Monday; "Mrigasira "= Monday 6 Nov. 1256, when Vrischika ba. 3 and "Mrigasira" ended at 97 and 33 respectively.
[6th Regnal year, not 7th.]
1901 (218) From the east wall of the Mandapa in front of the Tirumâliévara temple a Mâgaral (Chingleput District). Records that a private person opened out streets and colonised the environs of the Agastyêsvara temple.
Date.-7th year of Jatavarman Sundara Pandya "who conquered every country." Mêsha; ba. 1; Rohini. On Thursday 27 April, 1256, Rishabha su. 1 (not Mésha ba. 1, which is a double error) and Rôhiņi ended at 38 and 98 of the day respectively.
[7th year, as before, vide No. 260 of 1906 supra, an error for 6th.]
1901 (275). From the north wall of the mandapa in front of the central shrine in the Divyajñânêávara temple at Koviladi. (Tanjore Dt.)
Date.-7th year of Jat. Sundara Pandya I., distinguished by the introduction Samasta jagad, (Tanjore Dt.) 8th tithi; Monday; "Purva Ashadha". On Monday 17 Sept. 1257 Kanni su. 8 and "Purvashiḍha" ended at 76 and 82 respectively.
1911 (322). From the west wall of the central shrine in the Dhênupurisvara temple at Madambakkam (Chingleput District), quotes the 15th year of Perunjingadeva and records a gift of lamps, etc., in the temple of Sirreri Âļuḍayanayanûr.
Date.-10th year of Jatavarman Sundara Pândya; Rishabha; Sukla 11; Sunday; "Svâti". On Sunday 23 May 1260, Rishabha eu. 12 and "Svati" ended at 71 and 60 respectively of the day. According to Kielhorn (Ep. Ind., IX, p. 222) Perunjingadeva began to reign between February and July 1243.
[As Rishabha su. 11 cannot ordinarily concur with "Svâti," su. 11 must be an error for "su. 12".] 1909 (677). From the south wall of the Mandapa in front of the central shrine in the temple of Neḍungalanathasvamin at Tiruneḍungalam. (Tamil). Begins with the introduction Samastajagad-adhara of Jatavarman Sundara Pandya, Gift of land by the people of Misengili-nādu in Tenkarai Jayasinga Kulakala-valanādu.
Date.-Jatavarman Sund. Pândya ("Samasta-jagad"); 11th year; Makara (apparent error for Mina); su. 6; Wed; "Rohini"- Wed. 5 Mar, 1264 when tithi su. 6 and Nakshatra "Rohini" ended respectively at 50 and 53. Reg. year appearing in inscription as "pat [......] nrâvudu " should be read as "pat [imu] nrâvada" (13th), not as "pat [ino] pravadu (=11th)..
The combination, su. 6 and "Rohini," on Wednesday occurred only once (i, e., on this date) during the 40 years A. D. 1251-1290, although ordinarily such a combination may be expected at intervals of 3, 7 or 10 years.
1903 (125) From the north wall of the central shrine in the Agastyêśvara temple at Tiruchchunai (Madura District). Incomplete, Gift of land. A certain Vaidyâdbirâja is mentioned.