[JUNE, 1913.
Date.-3rd year of Mâravarman Sundara Pandya I; Märgalt; ba. 5; Sat.; "Magha "= Saturday 8 December 1218. Märgaliba. 5 and "Magba" commenced just before sunrise on, and were current throughout, Saturday, coming to an end at 07 and 10 respectively on Sunday.
1907 (133). From the north wall of the mandapa in front of the Macbukundēsvara temple at Kodumbalar (Madura District). Seems to record a gift of land. Mentions Karaiyûr in Sola Pandiya-valanadu.
Date.-13th year (in Padukottai copy, tho' Mad. Ep. Rept. notes that regnal year .is lost) of Mâravarman Sandara Pândya I ; Mithuna; su. 2 (2nd tiyadi); Sunday; "Pushya". On Sunday 24 June 1229 Mithuus su. 2 and “Pasbya” ended at •59 and -22. Read tithi for tiyadi.
.. Jatavarman Kulasekhara II.
(Reign began between 16th June and 30th September 1237.) 1905 (62). From the fifth pillar in the second storey of the east gôpura of the Sundarêsvara temple at Madura. Gift of land.
Date.-2nd year of Jaţ. Kulaáékhara; Tula; ba. 6; Thursday; "Mrigasira". On Thursday, 30 Sep. 1238, Tula ba. 6 and Mrigasira ended at 91 and 36 respectively.
1910 (135). From the fifth pillar of the mandapa in front of the central shrine in the Mulasthânesvara temple at Tenkarai (Madara District). Gift of land by the assembly of Soļāntaka-Chaturvēdimangalam, to the servants of the yõgasthāna of Karravar-dasar situated in the ninth hamlet of the village.
Date.-2nd year of Jatavarman alias Tribhuvanachakravarthin Kulasekharadeva-Mithuna 20, 6u. 13; Wed.; "Anuradha". On Wed, 15 June 1289 (= 20 Mithuna ) su, 13 and "Anuradha" ended at -87 and 20 respectively.
1908 (185). From the west wall of the store_room in the Tiruttalêsvara templo at Tirupputúr (Madura Distriot). Seems to record a gift of four water pots for the sared bath by Avanimolududaiyar, wife of Dêvaragandan.
Date.-10th your opp. 13th of Tribh. Kulasekharadeva. 16th Mêsha; day of "Anuradha". On Thursday 10 Ap. 1259 (= 16 Mesha) “ Anuradha" began at .46. It ended next day at 40.
Note. It is curious that in the 23rd year of Jat. Kulasekhara I (whose reign began in A.D. 1190) there is a date, Tuesday 9 Ap. 1213, which satisfies the present conditions, vis, 16 Mêsba and "Anuradha"; but Madras Epigraphist thinks the characters of the inscription cannot be referred to beginning of 13th cent.
MAravarman Sundara Pandya II. (Reign began between 15 June 1238 and 18 Jan, 1299.)
* 3 July and 1 December 1238. 1908 (180). From the north wall of the first prakdra of the Agasty@svara shrine in the Tirattaliśvara temple at Tirupputûr (Madura District). Sale of land for the maintenance of a flower garden which was founded by Popparriyudaiyán Viluppâdarayar of Pallarkudi in Naduvir. kurru in the district of Milalai-karram.
Date.--2nd year of Tribh. Sandara Pândya. Dhanus 11, su, 10, Wed; "Asvini". On Wed. 7 Decr. 1239 (= Dhanas 11), sa. 10 and “Asvini" ended at .72 and 89 respectively.
Note. The result agrees with that of Prof. Jacobi, publisbed, since this article was written, in Ep. Ind. Vol. XI, p. 185: but the learned author satisfied himself with stating that the king in question must have begun to reign-in A.D. 1237-38. As a matter of fact, the king is identical with Maravarman Sundara Pandya II (Kielhorn's C. vide Ep. Ind. vol. IX, p. 227), though the inscription itself does not style him a Mdravarman; and if my other identifications of Madras and Pudukottai dates of this reigo are correct, he must have come to the throne between 6 Oct, and 1 Decr. 1238, i.e. in A.D. 1238-89, not in A, D. 1237-38.
1895 (169). From the east wall of the mandapa surrounding the shrine of the goddess in the Kailasapati temple at Gangaikondan (Tinnevelly District).