Garohi: a fish (Ohiocephalus gachua). Karnal S. R., p. 8. Garent: a glacier (Gadi). Kangra Glors. Garh: a pan of clay. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 159. Garh&na, gorhakara: the site where a house once stood-goe ander ghindara.
Garhi: a small outlying hamlet in the village area in which are settled cultivators who till the surrounding land. Cf. mdjra. Karnal S. R., p. 76.
Gharib chara: a form of sargudhi marriage among the poor--an inexpensive form. Churâh. Garna (carissa diffu8a): Kangra S. R. Lyall., p. 38. Geroi : a worm. Kångra Gloss.
Garff: one who plays the dopátra, an instrument like a violin with only one string or wire, played with both hands on the string in Charah and other parts.
Gaffa : roan (of a horse). Garans: an insect destructive to sagarcade. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 81. G-Ash : heavy rain (Kollû). Kangra Globs. Gat: a bundle-see under gutta.
Gatara : a numerous class who make a livelihood by baying corn in villages and carrying it on their backs iuto towns and selling it. Kangra Gloss, from gal, 9. v.
Gatta: a sheaf (of corn); a faggot of (wood) a truss (of hay). A bandle of anything wrapped in cloth is called a gat. Kângra Gloss.
Gauhin: a small tree (Premna mucronata): of no use except for firewood. Hoshiarpur B. R., p. 13.
Gaula: the crown of the sagarcane. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 181.
Gaun : the inclined plane on which the oxen run down from a well. Karnål S. R. 1880, p. 161.
Gawanr: a palae (Dolichos psoraloides). Karnål S. R. 1880, p. 179. Gohna : mortgage. Karndl S. R., p. 111. Gelar : & child born of a woman to her former husband=piohhlag. Karnal S. R., p. 100. Gena (? Gahna): a jewel. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 125. Genr: a disease of the stomach. D. G. Khân. Gesla: a flail. Cf. kutka. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 173. Ghachol : confusion or an erroneous account. Kangra Gloss. Ghai: a large seine used in very deep water. Karnal 8. R., p. 7. Ghalua : a dip or depression in a ridge. Kångra Gloss. Ghale : Field pease ; very little grown: eaten as dál syn-Ialao. Simla S. R., 1888, p. 39. Ghan: a hamıner for breaking stones. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 45.
Ghan: a bundle of canes of sizes made up to be put in the sugar-press at once. Gannedi ghan. Kangra Gloss.
GhandAra : the ruins of house; the place where a house stood is called garhdna or garhakara, if no walls remain standing. Kangra Gloss.
Ghanitta = gur or deva: a man through whom a deola's spirit speaks; a functionary of a deota. Cbamba.
Ghar: the house of a rich man. Sirmur. Ghara: a tenant who pays half the produce as rent. Of. adighari. Churůh. Gharethra : a wooden frame on which earthen vessels are kept. Jullandar S. R., p. 60.
Gharia; a vessel made of pottery, smaller than the ghara, for dipping in water. Cf. thilia and dúna. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 121.
Ghar jawat: a custom, whereby a sonless man settles his daughter's husband (jawdi) in his house, as his heir. Karnal S. R., p. 101.
Gbarti; a handmill. Baaria argot.