[MARCH, 1910.
( Iudifference of people towards God and religion ).
किष्णा पाँडेज्यू कोलेखणाको काम ।
हर नाम लीला की नै रूनि फाम॥७॥ It is the duty of Kşishņa Piące to write down (exhortations), but no one cares to take the name of God.
( The neglect of religion, virtue, and honesty, these being superseded by befici in the great shrines of Badarinatha and Kediranatha.)
बदी केदार बड़ा भया धाम ।
धमे कर्म कि के न्हाति 'फाम॥८॥ Badarinatha and Kedaranatha are supposed to be ) great shrines, but no one is any potion of virtuous deeds.
बद्री केदारही बनधामा
कलि युग गोछ' कै न्हाति फाम ॥९॥ Bailarinatha and Kedaranatha are two (famous) shrines, but no one know that the Kali Yuga has come.
10. (The selfishness of bad people.)
पातर भौजि को बड़ो भारि ज्ञान ।
घर कुड़ि ठगि बेर मुख नि बुलान 10 ॥१०॥ My elder brother's friend, the harlot, has great cleverness. She robs a man of his house and chattels, and then does not speak to him (i.e., beccmes cool anl indiff-rent ).
11. (The perversion of the times.)
मुन्नक कुमाऊँ में कपुवाबासो ।
वंकन हे-गयो खशम को साँसी॥ ११॥ The cuckoo sang in the land of Kanaun, anl the husband has becoma: a nuisa:1cto his wiie.
(The world is topsy-turvy, and there is no respect for elders.)
होसिया यारी कलियग आलो।
च्याला का हाथ ने बाप मार खाजो ॥ १२ ॥ My jolly friends, the father will be beaten by his own son when the Kali Yuga comes.
13. (Family dissensions.)
माइ बिरादर घर घर मार ।
मुन्नक कुमाऊँ में पड़ि गयो छार ।। १३ ।। Brothers and kinsmen assault each other in every house. Ashes and dust are cast upon the land of Kumaun.
. Ph&m=fahm.
• Bhayd hud. Nhati is the negative verby, substantive, 'is not "Chhan = hai.
Ai gj-chh = a gaya-hai .Kai = kief kó. 10 Eulan-bulatt-ha.. 11 The ka puud is a kiod of pigeon. It is an omen of evil to hear its song.
13 Hausid seems to be a corruption of havdehf. Ald and that are futuros, equivalent to Hindt dice, and khdega.