5. bdaggi dponbo gLingpai khraba sang stangscan yod.
6. Horri nang Hor dmag kunla srungshig. 7. bSodnams Pambar jo gLingpai khra sang rtsalcan yod.
8. sharri lha dmag kunla srungshig.
9. spangbu chungngi nangdu lha dmag kunla ci dgossug zer.
10. ngari dponbo nang bzangpo pholaddi sgo 10. Our good lord is [like] a door-bolt of steel.
ytan yod.
11. subesarag nang Thale La mgola thonned.
5. Our Lord is more clever in strategy than the falcon of gLing.
Beware of all the armies of Hor.
bSodnams Pambar our lord, is more adroit than the falcon of gLing.
19. slugs shig rang med cang phikyir rig med. 20, Shikar Skar rdoi mkhar kun non le.
11. Quickly he is coming out (emerging from) at the top of the Thale Pass.
12. nyima nang snga shar Shikar mKhargyi 12. Take command of the summit of the rtse nonned. Castle of Shigar at the early rising of the sun.
Beware of the godly army of the town.
Tell me what is needed by the godly army in the little meadow.
13. bdaggi dponbo kun yserpo yser khri kha 13. [There] my lord is sitting on a golden throne.
14. bSodnams Pambar kun yserpo yser khri 14. bSodnams Pambar is sitting on a golden
kha bzhugs.
15. shar la chenni akun mdunla nono kua 15. Before the whole nobility of the town the mdzessi mentog. prince is [like] an all-pleasing flower. 16. Before the lord bSodnams Pambar, dBang
16. bSod-nams Pambar joi skun mdunla dBang rgyal kun mdzessi mentog. 17. sdugs shig rang medla cang phikyir med.
18. Shikar Skar rdoi dmag kun non le.
19. 20.
rgyal is an all-pleasing flower.
17. There is no misfortune, there is no sorrow (among us).
18. Take command of the armies of Shigar and Skardo.
There is no misfortune, there is no sorrow. Take command of the castles of Shigar and Skardo.
Notes on the Tibetan Text.
v. 1. The Thale Pass is not known to me.
vv. 2, 4, 8, 15.-shar said to be shahr, town, Urdu.
vv. 2, 4.-habas shig, related to habbaza, bravo, Arabic through Urdu. It is used, but not commonly, in the same way as Pers, shābāsh.
v. 9.-dgossug, contraction of dgos 'adug, must.
v. 11.-subesarag, said to mean very quickly'; sa rak, sarak in Urdu.
v. 12, 18, 22.-Shikar, the well-known village of Shigar.
vv. 18, 20.-nonpa or nanpa, is used in Western Tibetan in the sense of give commands.'
v. 17, 19.—phikyir, sorrow is the Urdu fikr.