FEBRUARY, 1909.)
220 Garh phâk& Någne rá, hämen khedi ro 141,80
Chủpi ro merie Kalika, 91 himen karmi
jammon; Ubhe awane de Deshủ khe, lamio maso râ
hâmoi. Garbo pande Någoi re, si châdro pheri, Hați fanjo Raje ri, Sainjo ri sert;
225 Sidhie Koto râ hâkur, kinda roh jas P
Deshů dhôro ri bagri hâmli dela batawl.
Lâgi gowâ bold 1,33 Bidhiya bhâțo, Manj Phaga ri rasta, Deshû dharo rl bâto.
Âi palgi Râje ri, Dhamando re ghâte,
230 Ghate papo Dhamândri re, Mohiye re
têmbû ; Phâga hali gowa Râņe ra, klo rân jyâ tâmbû;
220 He bas burnt the fort of Någan and driven
os out of it. Be still, O my Kálike! we will bear the
blame; Let them come up to Deshů, we will feed
the flames with human flesh.' On the fort of Nâgan was unfurled the red flag. The Raja's army returned to the plain of
Sainj. 225 (They asked :-) O Sidha, Thákur of Kot
whither art thou going ? Pray show us the pathway to the ridge of
Desh !! Bidhis Brahman replied : Through Phêgu is the road, by the path
way to Desbù ridge." The Raja's palanquin reached Dhamandri
ghd!,84 230 At the ghat of Dhamândri was pitched the
Râjâ's tent, And Phâgū of the Râņa of Keonthal shook
like the stalk of a potato plant. Four elders of Phagû met the Raja, At the ghdg of Dhamandri they broaght him
baskets of bathorú. (Said the Raja :-) O men of Phågů,95
why are you afraid ? 285 Pay your revenue at Nában, and dwell in
your own homes.' The Raja's palanquin came to the ghal of
Krithal 38 And the Brabmans of Nal37 village gave him
provisions and a goat. The Raja's palanquin came to Desbû ridge, And on the meadows on Desh were pitched
the Raja's tents. 240 All the land of Keonthal trembled like
a potato stalk. When they had pitched the tents, they
bombarded to such an extent That the earth below and sky abovo shook. And clouds of smoke bid the sun above. On Doshů sounded the music of Mohi
Chau syâņe Phågů re, Raje khe mille: Ghate lyke Dhamândri re, bathori re kille.
Phûgû re, O Pbagyaņeo, tuse kante dare?
235 Kârâ bhore Nahiņi khe, base âppe gharê.
Åt pâlgi Raje rf, Kaithalo re ghâțe,
Baro dittê bâkrá, Nálo re bhâte,
At palgt Ráje rf, Deshủ rt dhero, Deshů paso jubpos de, Mohiye re têmbû.
240 Sara ball gow Keonthal, Alora iyê
lâmba; Tâmoà tant ro chakre, chân răkhô
mühâlâ :30 Undi dharti jhulko, abb& Indar hål& : Dhû wen re bådalie, abha sürjo thêmo. Deshủe guşli," Mohige ri dragi,
30 Khedl-ro 148: we have been hunted out. a Chdpf ro merle Kalika: omy Kalikai Be still!, jummon i responsible. 31 Lamia mdsord hamon : we will feed the flames with human fesh. W Lagi gowa bolda : began to say. B4 DbamAndet place in Theog territory bolow Phagu. 36 Phagy kpl the inhabitants of Phaga.
* Kaithal: a ridge in Keonthal State. BT NAL: village in Ohhabrot pargand, now in Patiala territory, but formerly owned by Keonghal. * Jubro: in the meadow or waste-land. 89 Chart manala, chhari rakhd chlord mu114: the sound of Aring, 1..., fired, Jhulko: shaking.
+1 Gurls: will roar; dragt: mosio.