[JUNE, 1908.
did not hold the office long, for about 1877 we find
Ahmnd, á Sayyid, brother of ShahAmat Khan, The BangashAt or two Bangashes included
faujddr, and in 1680 Lashkar Khâa, who turned Upper Bangash, the modern Kurram Valley, and
the Khattaks out of Kohat, held the post, but Lower Bangash or Kohät. Under the Mughals
only for a short time, for Tarin Khan the next both constituted a faujdárf which appears to have
faujder was reduced to great straits by the Malikgradually been confined to Lower Bangash, 1. o.,
Miris of Kohật, who held the BAIA Hisar of Robåt. Koht. Its history can be traced for more than
Then, in 1685, RAJA Ram Singh became faujder of a century.
Kohất and Bangash, and we find him refusing to TAR faujdar of Bangash appears to have been obey the order of Amir Khân, the Sabahdar of independent of the Subahdárs of Kabul, as was Kibul, to arrest Ashraf Khan the Khattak. The apparently the case in all the Provinces of the next faujdar must have been one Abdu'l-Hadi, Machal Empire. Under Akbar the toman of a worthless fellow, son of Iftikbar Khan Bangaght had lain in the Sarkar and Sabah Appointed in or after 1695, he was succeeded by of Kabol, but in 1627, after the death of Fakhar Khan before 1706, and about 1708. the emperor Jahangir, Lashkar Khan became Allahdad Kheshki was appointed, but be was xúbahdar of "Kabul and the Bangashật."
afraid to take up his office and sent a deputy. According to another account, however, Sa'id
About 1718, Ahmad Beg Khân, Ming-bashf, was
faujdár. Khan was faujdar of Bangash in 1627, for in that
After or in 1722 Ydlbårs Kbån became faujdúr year he marched from Kobåt to relieve Peshwar,
of Bangash. then besieged by the Afgbåns, who had risen on
H. A. ROEE. the news of Jahangir's death. In 1631-32 (1041 H.), Sa'id Kbån superseded
JHANG DISTRICT, PANJAB. Lashkar Khan in the subahdari, and Shamsber
COLLECTED AND TRANSLATED BY Khan was made faujddr of the two Bangashes.
M. LONGWORTH DAMES, I. O. S. Three years later in 1634-35, Råjå Jagat Singh was
(LETIRED). appointed thánadar or faujdar of the Bungashat, with orders to collect supplies of provisions to
My Wife. send to Kabal, whither Muhammad Dars Shikoh Sthib dittā jālná ran kujajje nal. was about to proceed, Shah Jahan following in Hathi vangon patli, tave vãngon lal. person, in consequence of the Persian designs on Kara kbändi roţian, kunnā piwe dāl. Kandahår.
Chappar pāyā ghaghra, trüa kare rumal. In 1638 Jagat Singh still held this office, or
Gadbā vangon hingdi, sāre vehre da singär. had been re-appointed to it, for in the following
Translation. year he was directed to pour supplies into Kábul,
God has given me to live with a hideous woman, during Shah Jab&n's stay there. Shah Jahan
As slender as an elephant, as red 48 & griddle. returned to Lahore rid Upper Bangash and Kohát,
Sie eats a basket of bread and drinks a degchi of and the prince was directed to follow later. dal. At Koht, Jagat Singh got up a hunt, during which Her skirt is a thatch and her handkerchief 56 márkhor, besides other big game, were A grass-mat. killed. How long Jagat Singh continued to be She brays like a donkey, and is the ornament of faujdár of the Bangashat does not appear, the courtyard. but in May, 1675, Khanjar Khân became their
II thánadar or faujdúr, apparently superseding
Topsy-turoy Land. Muhammad Wafa, thánadar of the Resát Ferry and Jaggū sande bol phatte. Kohat, who had been appointed in January of Bakrian kaski kutte. that year. This was after the unsuccessful attack Bhaunkan chor 'te nasan kutte. of the Mughals on Sherghar it: the Adam Khel Vainde chor Kirāpān mathe. Afridl country. In the next year Iftikhør Kbån Mibão ute chappar atte. was appointed faujdar of the Bangash&t. He Bagal na ohik, dantri phâ¢df hai.'
1 The mahau of Teri Bolig was royal jugfr, or sot, which generally portained to the fawid drt of Lower Baagash,
· He had a thana w post at the Tapl of Honga.