[JUNE, 1908.
Moimille s[mā-malih]
Bada Wakesh [wakish] S
Badd Emtee [aymtā (colloq.)]
When Helwack [hallak (colloq.)]
now Ashan [ahsan (colloq.)]
Better Eigh
Yes La [la]
Noe Is youn (al-yeun]
today Amsee [ams]
yesterday Godde (ghadi]
tomorrow Imberhahh [emtārih] (colloq...]
Last night Il-lyle [al-layla)
This night Il your autane cooff (al-yawn 'ati-nisüf]
Today give me woll Godde beteeke bhorrootie [ghadi bi-aţika'l kharis] Tomorrow lle give yu yo
Laube Wabad [wahid]
One temine
[ithnayn ; itnen (colloq.)) two telatah
[thalatha, telála (colloq.)] three Arbah
[arba'a] ham see [khamsi]
five Sitte [sitti]
six Subbah [sab'a]
Seaven Temane
[thamaniya ; temani (colloq..] eight Tissah [tis'a]
Nyne Asbharab ['ashra]
ten Edash Chidash (colloq.)]
Ellearen Tenash [itnāsh (colloq.)]
Twelue Telatash [talirash (colloq.)]
Thirteene Arbatash [arbat'ash (colloq.)]
fowerteene Amstash [lhamst'ash (colloq.)]
fifteene Sittash (ritrash (colloq.)]
Sixteene Sabbatasb [seb'at'ash (colloq.)]
Seaventeene Temane tash (tamunt'ash (colloq.)]
Eighteene Tissa tash (tig'at'ash (colloq.)]
Nyneteene Ashbereene ['ishrin)
Twenty Telateene
(talatin (colloq.)] Arbeene
[arbā'in] hamseene
[khamsin] Sitteene
[sittin] Subeene
[sab'in] Tammaneene
(tamānin (colloq.)] Tisseene
[tis'in] Meash [mi'a]
100 Else [alt]
1000 Asharatellase [ashrat-al]
10000 fryday the go September 1669. Att 5 Clock in ye morninge, Cap Bates, my Sonn Carol 1166 & my selfo tooke horsse at Alleppo for Scandroon, all yo factory accompaninge vs a league on of way, And returnd all, sauo Mi Joo Shepperd, Mr Varne, Mr Hartop & Mr Ayer who
• The Art mention of John Campbell in this narrative.