[MARCH, 1907.
Aggé gaya duniya té nau veri jawan Hui das wir vdri tudh ghar dyd parwan Par sadké ih da ndm 18i hônd qurban. Vehi nur ditta vandké dassé pir dé aiwdi. Jehre ih da murid né, bihisha jan. Nahin gadr firishtédi, ihnú ar buldi. Júk agg& Dharm Rdé dé khar jd puchdi. Shah Bale do murid núi na pawé dhemodn Jimé aib sawdb ne sab bakhshé ján JA Shah Ball de murid hain, ndj nek nigdh Khulle darwajjá varegd, hô bépard. Massalli j&hye ban gayé unhdi di kdi nahin ja
Ol Naraka dakhil hôngé, dôzaķh di bhd Munkir té Nakir bi, phir lékhd mangan, Nekian badili puchhnge, ndļe haddidi bhanan JS Shah Bale de murid hai, na puchhan na
jamman. Ohda adar karnd itd ndld pakché jhulan Pir piydla nûr dd pi ghar val dya Divd baléd jót dd Shind Rabb vadhdyd Nau mahiné gujar gayê pir kukhé dya Ayá rdt sôhåg di mdi shagan manáé Arehải thân trightê giyara vúi đe Divéái dê báļké shamddan jagde Húrák paridi baithké sab mangal gde Ziydrat karó pir di Rabb púri pde Rat sanichar udr di pir Bald jamme Baldé divé mát hóé uth dui bhanne. Gurhli ahi nur di vich aôné chhanne. Pahild darshan már láta jis pdya thannín. Pir dastoen autar je suió akhín 7€ kannin. Navin sadi gujar gayf aggé das win punni Pir pandit Akhdé, Pir bhôré pdo.
He may dishonour some. Go, Gabriel, go, Declare to them the signs, and see that they Give him due honour. He is great, so great, His greatness none will measure. On the deep He floated six and thirty ages; then He gave oblations; in the shell I kept And shielded him from harm. Nine times
before He has incarnate been, now in thy house A tenth time he will come. Let all regard, And sacrifice themselves to him.' An equal
share The angel gave them, and the signs he showed • Who follow him will go to heaven at last, The angels dare not summon them, nor dare To bring them to the presence of the king That rules in Heli. No forco unlawful will Compel the followers of Bala Shah. Their sins will be forgiven who look with faith To Baix Shali. Al fearlessly they soma And enter free the doors of Heaven, but those That are Masallis straight will enter Hell, Where flames await them. Mankir and Nakir Will strict examine them, a record true Of deeds, both bad and good, they will demand, And then they'll break their bones, but Bala's
men Will be nor asked, nor born again. All grace Will them be shown, and fans be waved on
high To cool them.' Bals drank the cup of light And homewards sped - a lamp with heavenly
light Was given him. Nine months passod, a child
was born. One happy night the mother omens sought, And lo! from heaven high care angels down To soe the child. Bright lamps were lit, and
placed On stands; bright fays and fairies came to sing, • Behold the priest, and God be with you all.' On Saturday, by night, the priest was born, The lamps that burned grew dim, the midwife
ran In fear. The child's first draught was one of
light All in a golden cup. His mother looked And saw him first. She gave him milk and so The priest was now the tenth time incarnate. Hear yo with eyes and ears, the ninth is passed, The tenth great age begun. The Pandits said,