11.- Therefore so long as on this earth you
pass not quickly away, make glad 37 endeavours to gather learning in order to attain strength of mind.
11 de. bas ji • srid .sa .dels*
myurdu.ma.sga183. bar.du.nil blo .mthu .bskyed.phyir.mkhas.pa
dag 1 bsdu. bar.dgyes88.pahi • nan • tan •mdzod 12 chos. kyi obstan. bcos.gdon.bgyiss. din
de.yi.don.gyi tshal.gson la Igsan. pahi.chos .rnams .rnam.dpyad.de
dpyads.pa .la .ni .mkhas. parso.mdzod 13 | myanan.gyis .ni .ma .gduns sin
f.na.głonnad.med. lors • payil |dnos. podata. Itar. byan bayil
I blo.gros • la .ni .minus.med 14 hdir. ni skyes .bu dam .ba las
dus dus..yan nun.zadu.gson
bundu. bsagenahannes.par.ni
I rispor. mi.thogs.man. por hgyur 15rtag-ta.chu-thigs .re .rehi • rgyan
i bar.chad.med. par.hbab.pa .yis Igas žig.gau • bar • mi • hgyur. bahili
snod.de •ji • Ita • bu zig.mchis 16 | de. Itar • dpe.gsal .de . Ita • bu |
Irgyal. po tshad . mar.mdzad nas nil dampahi chose nigaan.pala
rtag. tu dges.pañid .du.mdzod 17 Iyon tan .nor.nigfiler. lagñen
mkhas fin.sñin. rjehi • bdag.ñid.can byas.gzo.phons.chos.mi.bgyid.pa bzan. bokhyod .kyis • slan, dużog |
12.- Making a perusal of religious books,
hear the nature of their import; then reflecting on the precepts which you
hear, in reflection attain to wisdom. 13. - To an understanding, which, unvexed by
sorrow, is not blinded by the disease of youth and bas arisen in harmony with
reality, there is no lack of strength. 14. - From holy men in this world hear a little,
though it be bat from time to time : if but a little be adquired, assuredly in no
long time it grows to much. 15.- Be like & vessel, which by a stream of
single drops of water flowing ever without interroption does (yet ?) not
become fullu 16.- So, in accordance with this clear example,
do you; after performing the duties of king, ever take delight in hearing the
good religion. 17. Lend advancement to the good man,
devoted to the acquisition of the riches of virtue, who, while learned, is the Ossence of compassion (or has a compassionate heart), and who is grateful
and follows not mean principles. 18. To the bad man, of foolish and mean
principles, who out of greed remembers not gratitude and is violent in abuse,
allow not even in your country & place. 19. -Ever make yourself acquainted with the
disposition of the laity: upon knowing their disposition the three blessings depend.“
18 Ikhyod .kyis blan.danhphonechos.can
I brkam. .byas.Pamigzodan |kbagsayt.gtam • po.mi.bxan.be
yulenahaignas suoma.stsal.cig | 19 rtag. tu .so .sohiskye. boyis47 | khyad.par.mkhyen bar.mdxod.cig.
dan 1 de.yi.khyad.par.mkhyen team la 1 I pluun. sumetshogs.pa.rag • las so
n las 33.
* brgal 33. skyed 38.
w bgyis and bgyi 33. x 'from '83.
ST 88 omite this word: ** gyis (imper.) 83.
#dphyad and dpyad 39. pur and pas 38.
41 yia 33. 11 de 33.
is as vad . If we read af for mi, the sense would be becomes toll. • Or better, "Taking a lesson from promānikrtya) this clear exemplo, o king.' # ba 33. yi 83. Are the 8 rempada ropa, yatas, and dhana? C. 8. O. Das Lexioon.