20 mi-gan.dksh.ba.spyod byed. dan 20. - Who perforrsthings hard to perform, dor.bar .byadkah dort.ba.dan
renounces things hard to renounce, bzod. pardkah.ba .bzod. byed. dai
endures things hard to endure, takes to | bkur.dkah.ñamsu. len .pa . dan
heart things hard to esteem, 21 Ignas.min. las .ni zlog. byed. dan
21. - Resists misplaced action, is diligent in Ignassu hjog par. brtson .pa . dan
putting things in place, and desiring | de.yi. bsam. pamthun.gus dan
the honour and happiness of those of - 1 bde. bar.hdod.cin.hobyams .pal
the same views is kind, 22 de dag mams.ni.mdzah bấes.to 22. -- Whoso have these for friends, are verily I gñen.hdun.grogs. pohan .de .dag.lags
dear to their kin.60 Other men randon.tsam.phyir .hbran. bahi.mil
pursuing only their own interest, the Iguan • dag •ekye • bo •phan •pa • bas|
service of the creatures is at an end.61 23 grogs .po.pban.par.hdod pahi.tshig 23. - Take to heart the word of bim who mi sñan.yan.ni.phan .pa . dan
desires the service of his fellows, which, hjam dan .bde ba62. lags.pa .daj 53
even if ungracious, is serviceable, mild thugs.la-bżag • par.mdzad.dugsoll
and true : 24 tshig.sban. phan .pa .ma . lags. dan 24. - But bear not in mind the word of the low hjam dbyangst. bden .pa .ma . lags.pa
man, which, even if gracions, is not | dampa.ma.yin .rnamskyi.tshigi
serviceable, and, even if kind-sounding, khyod.kyi.thugs. la .ma .bzun zig!
is not true. 25 Iphan •per • smra •ba •khro •yah •ại
25.- Let a serviceable speecb, even if angry, by khyod .kyis .gnants.chen. dag.du.
you be held in higli esteem : but in mdzo d681
unserviceable speech, even if laudatory, miphan. smrs .ba .bstod.bgyid . kya1157
take no delight. |dgyes.pa dag. tu .ma.mdzad.cig! 26 rab.dai:58.mtsho. la .daj-ba-yil
26. - As in a pellucid lake the white rājahayısa Irgyal.poonan. ni chus.hjig950. bžin
is apprehensive of the water, make dam.params.kyis. bsñen.bla60.dan
yourself easy of approach to the high, | dampa.min.l.pas. beñen.dkah.mdzod
bard of approach to the low.62 27 khyod .kyis.mkhas.nams.tshim.bgyis. 27. -- Do you, giving contentment to the pas 1
learned, strive not for the acquisition I hbgor .pa .don.da.gñer.mi.bgyide 1
of riches : through delight in virtues yon.tan.dgyes phyir.khyod.kyisni
never have your fill of them. Iyon.tan.rnams kyis.mienoms. mdzod 28 | lors-spyod. byed.dan.bde. badan 28. – Whether good fortune is or is not yours, sdug .bial phrad • paham.spyode.pa.
whether happiness or misery befalls, ham
whether you act or act not, in the I spyod . lam kun tu. spyod pana
pursuit of every course of action, give khyod .kyis.dam. pabsten.pa.dail
your adherence to the high. 19 hdor 88.
54 Orunited in kinship'? 51 The grammar seems here anacoluthic. We might perhaps translato 'Dot following their own interest, what is for the good of others, they do.' 11 bden pa 38.
05 nag 33. 64 yai 33.
85 shan 33. 56 mdaad 94.
07 dnn 33. * dans 33.
hjig 33. sla 33.
61 yin 33. 6 The rājahamsa gan, it would seer, in such a case be approached only from above. os bgyi 93.
* Literally, striving' bgyid: 33 has faturo. 4?through (or for the sake of those who delight.' 66 dpyod 33.