BY SIR C. J. LYALL, K.C.S.I. (Conclreded from p. 111.)
SPECIMEN I. Innt amunit Aső-pinso bang-hint do-lo. Ansi la ākibi-abang i-po-āphan pu-lo.
One person child-male persona-tuo were. And the younger-person his father to sail, O po, mar nē kolong-ji-an ūphärmän në pi-nòn.' Ansi A-mär O father, property me come-to-will-uchatever share me give.' And he his property
latum-bang-nithàk-dak-lo. Lübàng:ū rālòmso åpbila akibi abang-kē X-mar (to)-them-persons-tuo divided. This a-little-hile after that younger person-the his-property. keclo-an pångrum-pèt-si akāhēlo alèt dàm-jui-lo, ansi häulak lā ä khat-kāvē ako
all collected-having distant country went-away, and there he wicked (lit, shameless) deeds klem-s1 A-markedo. Àn pi-ver-det-lo.
Ansi ã i-mår kedo-au doing his-property all causel-to-be-llestroyed. And (when) he his property all -li-ic-dẹt lỡ lẽbingsố quét tàn kangchir akhin-pt thur-làm-lô, Ansi la-Vũ
hail-spent that country rice hronger fumine-great arose, and he-also keduk-pang-cheng-lo. Ansi lābùngsū ūdèt isangho Inut älòng do chi-kidun-lo. La in-want-to-be-began. And that country citizen one with staying himself-(he)-joined. He lihak pi-bi-ji-si
arit toi-jai-lo, ansi la phàk kecho āphèk-e-pèn -pok pijs cause-to-prut-to (to-tend) kis fiell (-o) sent-away, and he pigs food huske-from his belly
chi-pangkràng ingtung-lo; buta pàk-tă pl-vàng-vē-det-lo. Ansi lã amethang äning or himself-(to)-All desired; but anybody to-gire-came-not. And he his-onon mind (-in)
che-mātha-sl po-lo, no-pro aban-atum tīko-an do, latam cho dòr-äpärähim reflected-having said, 'my father's servants even horo-many are, they eat-sufficient-Dery breail
tū, bontā nē-kē lūdik an-kangchir-sithi-pā. Në thur-b1 n ē-po-alòng dàm-ji, lasi also, but I here rice-hrenger-by dying-an. I ariser-haring my-father-to will-go, anel Jā-ūphàn pu-dam-ji, “O po, në Arnam angno tàngtē ning kethek tå påp klem-det-lo.
him-to say-will, "O father, I God before then thy sight (-in) also sin have done. Ne-kẽ nàng sô-pô vu kāterầm-ji i-ốt ăve-l; nàng bàn Innt Lònlẽ nó bi-nòn.” Ankẽ là I thy son saying be-called-to fit am-not; thy slave ono like me place." And he
thur-si a -po along che-vang-lo. Bòntă là hēloving do-ak-pen, &-po arisen-having his father near came. But he far-of being even-from, his father thèk-dam-81 ingjingo, kåt-vir-lo, ankē X-cbethòk-arbàk-chèt.si ar-a-lem-det-lo. Ainsi seen-having compassion-had, ran-hastily, and his-neok embraood-having kisied-repeatedly. And
la aphàn iső-pö pu-lo, po, në Arnam angno tàngtē nang kethèk tå påp klem-det-lo; him to SOR-kis said, 'father, I God before thon thy right also nin have done;
ápòtkē nàng-so-po pu kipu a-ôt avê-lo. Bồntä lā ā-põ bàn-ätum apban pu-lo, therefore thy-son saying to-say worthy an-not.' But his father laves to said, kemesi apẽ vàn rũ nàng pindeng-nòn; tàng,ẽ @-ri Lrnàn thòn-nòn, keng-ti keng-ap,
Lest garment bringing here put-on (-him); then his-hand ring pul-on, hir-foot-also shoe thon-non; inkẽ kĩà ngtai-tàng chainòng isö lãlàk vàn-nòn Ankẽ lã thu-non ; Ankẽ chô-ri put-on; and falteil com chill here bring and it slaughter; and eating
ūrùng chi-pi-lo-làng; thangbak-mă là nē sõpõ thi-tang-ldt tā, rèng-thu-et-lo; merriment manally-make-let-us; because this my son died-completely even, alive-againis;
ingbū-tàng-dit tā, lòng-thu-lok-lo. Ankē lātam äròng kachipi chèng-lo. losl-completely-was also, forend-ayain-is. And they merriment to-mutually-make began. : Lābångsö ühut isopo akléng-übing-kü rit-sido-lo. Ankē la rit-pen v ang-si
That time son eller person-the fiel.l-ir 10.16. And he field from como-having