[WAY, 1908.
him-adung nàng-lêlo, kum-kirot tàngtē kekàn ärki nang-arju-long-lo. Anot bàn-atam inut houso-near arrived, fiddle-soraping and dancing noise there-to-hear-got. And lauas one
hang-si arju-lo, "ko-pi apòtai kum-kirèt tangtē kekan-lo?' Ansi la thak-lo, called-having asked, "what for fiddle-scraping and dancing-ia?' And he answered nàng-li
mạ vàng-lô. Lê-si pang-h pô kioàngtu-tàng &chainòng your-Honour's younger brother came. Therefore your-Honour's father fatted cow üso t ho-pèt-lo, thang bàk-ma la so-so un-o-si lòng-lòk-lo. Aokē la äning-thi-si child slaughtered-completely, because he sick-not (1) well got-again. And he angry-being hem lut-dàm ingtung-to-det-17. Ankē Jā apo ingtin vàng-81 lá pe-dòk-lo. Ankē house (to-) enter wished-not. And his father outcome-having him soothed. And là tbak-bla-po aplin pa-lo, làng-thā, lāàn aningkàn në kam nang-klem-pi-bom-lo, he answering his father to said, sce, 80-many years I work here-doing-continued böntä nang hukum kroi-krē-det äveng-làng; tēbòntā Dē jirpo-Ātam pèn ning arong but thy commands obey-not (disobey) Mover-did; nevertheless my friends with mind merriment | chi-pi-j1-ũ phàn
bi-80 @jon nåt tā nē pi-pë-lang. Böntä läbingo mutually-make-in-order-to goat-child one single even me (-to) gavest-not. But this nang-sõpo akhat-kavē arloső-átum pên nàng-mär cho-pi-ik-det abàng vàng-phli,
thy-sok shame-without women with thy-property ate (-and)-sasted person camo-nuddenly, inkẽ l&pangtu-tàng &chainòng isô tả lã-Ñphàn nàng , thu-pet-lõ.” Ansi lẽ and fatted C ow child also him for thou slaughter-completely-didat.' And he a-sõpõ apban po-lā, põ, nang-kē nē-ling-si kaitā do ;. tangtē nē-mår nē-tar kedo-an hir-son to said, "son, thou mo-roith always art; therefore my-property my-goods whatever tä nàng-mär; böntä la n ang-mu-kē
tbi-lot t , rèng-thu-et-lo; open thy property; but this thy younger brother died-completely also, alive-again-in; ingbo-detta, long-thu-lòk-lo; āpotkē i-li Aròng kachipi tàngtē äròng that was also, found-again-is; therefore we mertiment mutually making and merriment
che-pe-do -ot. itxually-making is-fit.'
SPECIMEN II. Särpi. sārbūrs pèn hijai atomo.
Old-woman old-man and jackalo' wory. Arnisi särpipèn sürbürā rit hèn -15. Hen ke-ē ühut hijai
One-day old-woman and old-man field-in) arums sero-planting. Arums planting time jaokale ©hor vàng-s1 vũryl pen Brburã ñphàn nàng-ārju-lô, '0 phi pèn pha, a-pack come having old-woman and old-man tothere-askod, 'O grandmother and grandfather, nang-tum hen äkevõiting ke-7 mä?' Li-tum tbik-det, äkevöi.' Ansi
you arums raw(and) hastily planting (interrogative) ?' They answered, nawo. Then hijai-atum pu-lo, ke-up-si hèn kez pòt. Särbūrå hijai Apban Arju-lo, thejackals said, "boiled-haring arums planting is fitting. Old-man jackalo to asked, såkhit-mal' Hijai pa-det, säkbit.' Ausi särbüra sårp! hèn pt-up-lo; true-is-it?' Jackals said, 'it-is-true.' Then the-old-man the-old-woman arums caused-to-boil; älàng-kē ē-lo; Josi-ni ki-up-tàng. ābèn rit ē jai e-pèt-lo.
he planted (-them); all-day the boiled arums field (-in) whole (he)-planted-completely. Ansl ärni-kangsam-apdr s ārpipèn särbüra hèm che-voi-lo. Then day-cool-time (i.e., at evening) thr-old-rooman and the-old-man home their-own-(10-) returned. Ankẽ ñrjõ hijai 6hụr vàng-pak-B1 rit @jai Khèn chô-klip-ingboilõ. And (at)-night the jackal pacle come together-kaving field whole(-o) arume eating-up-did. Ankē ādàp
särbūrä-pèngànsorit nång-che-lang-lo. Hencho-koi Then (at-) morning that old-people-couple field there-their-own-law. Arumus eaton-up