[APRIL, 1908.
(7) Sihrt, in Dera Ismail Khan, so called Obviously then the greatest care is required
boos use they eat the bird. But ano- in discriminating between totems and tabus. ther note explains that the ancestor of Thus the Gaba Arorås, or at least their women, the tribe was born while his mother was will not eat the egg-plant, but this is not their crossing a stream (shar = current). totem apparently, because at certain Beasons the
egg-plant is an unlucky food for Hindus generally. (8) Jarfra, in Kangra, from a bush called
Before all things a precise note of the actual facts jardr. Like the Rajpat Samakri and
in each case is required, and the following points the (Bribman or) Bhat Barara, the tribe
should be ascertained :does not out or burn the shrub after which it is named.
1. Is any form of worship paid to the object?
and Pathans.-In Dera Ismail Khan the Baré
2. Is it unlucky or forbidden to cut, injare or Khel of Datta Khel are also called Gidar; a Jackal
use it in any way? pursued by hunters took refuge in the house of
3. If so, what is the reason assigned for the Bara, their ancestor.
worship or abstention from injury ! Mirats are said to have a make-totem adt."
4. Is the rule confined to the section of the The Datia Lobanks too appear to be a section caste which worshipe the object or abstains from which has the snake for its totem. It is probable | injuring or using it P that many more instances could be found.
5. Or is that worship or abstention common to other sections, or to other castes ? If so, to
what sections and castes ? It will be seen at once that many of the objects
The enquiry into the existence of totemism is from which these names are taken are the subjects
likely to throw much light on the origin of the of ordinary tabus. Thus the peacock is bacred ,
exogamons units. In a large number of cases it the snake is often worshipped and it is unlucky
appears that a new gót originates with a portent, to kill one: the jand tree is reverenced at
or some sign of special supernatural favour. marriages; there is a prejudice against eating
When such a portent occurs the thing associated fowls; and so on. Further, gldar, hans, Iremra,
with it, a tree, or an animal, or whatever it may and many others may well be nick names. So far
be, becomes the object of a special worship or in indeed it can only be said that distinct relies of
a manner a totem. The above notes are pub. totam-sootions are traceable among the Apores lished in the hope that some reader of this and other tribes of the South-West Panjab, but Journal will take up the enquiry seriously. the information is far too imperfect as yet for any definite conclusions. Mr. Ibbetson 20 years
H. A. Rose, ago noted that "some traces are still to be
Superintendent of Ethnography, Punjab.. found” (Kamal Gazetteer, p. 111).
| 4th April 1902. (To be continued.) .
who gained their livelihood in a variety of ways. As an addition to the information in Yule on Some of them were the first to discover the the Penang Lawyer the following quotation is palm known to the Malays as plas tikoos and to of much interest. In the Andamans I have botanists as the limala qoutifida, a small palm heard the term applied to the long canes that ordinarily not higher than from five to six feet. festoon from tall trees in the jungles and are From this palm, which grew mostly upon the among the chief impeders of traffic. This appli- Penang Hill, were constructed walking-sticks cation of the name arose, of course, under the old called Penang Lawyers." - McNair, Prisoners and false popular derivation thereof -
their own Warders, p. 24. "1B0e. At Penang there were a considerable number of Indian convicts on tickete-of-leave,
R. O. TEMPLE. ... Panjab Notos and Queries, II. $ 556.