Sri-vijayabhyudaya-Salivahana sakavarsha 1452 sanda varttamânavâda Vikritu-samvatsarada... Guruvaradalu... chandragrahana-puṇyakaladalli.
§. 1452 expired Vikrita: Thursday, 6th October A. D. 1530, the day of full-moon of the mouth Âśvina; a lunar eclipse, visible in India, 21 h. 49 m, after mean sunrise.5
6.3. 1478.- Page 174, No. 108. Tambala inscription of Sadasivaraya of Vijayanagara :
'Sri-jay Abhyudaya-Salivahana-sakavarusha sâ 1478 sanda vartamânavâda.. samvatsarada Kârtika-ba 30 Chandra våra sûryoparaga-panyakáladalu.
8. 1478 expired [= Anala]: Monday, 2nd November A. D. 1556; a solar eclipse, visible in India, 6 h. 15 m. after mean sunrise.
7. S. 1542.- Page 33, No. 36. Ânevåla inscription of Ramadeva of Vijayanagara :— Sri-vijayabhyudaya-Sâlivâhana-sakavarushangaļu 1542ya Baüdri-samvatsarada Mârggasira-su 15 lu... chandragrahana-puṇyakâladali.
S. 1542 expired Raudra: 29th November A. D. 1620; a lunar eclipse, visible in India, 16 h. 20 m. after mean sunrise.
8.-S. 1062 (for 1082*). - Page 38, No. 60. Tondanûr inscription of the Hoysala
Narasimha I.:
'Saka-varisham såsirad- aravatt-eraḍaneya Pramathi-samvatsarada Âśvayuja-sudda-trayôdasi-Adivara Uttara-Bhadrapada Tulaya (na)-sankramaṇad-andu.
Pramathin S. 1082 (not 1062) current, and for that year the date regularly corresponds to Sunday, 27th September A. D. 1159. On this day the 13th tithi of the bright half ended 3 h. 58 m., and the Tula-(vishuva-)samkranti took place 17 h. 30 m., after mean sunrise; and the nakshatra was Uttara Bhadrapada about the whole day.
9. 8. 1102. Page 173, No. 106. Tumbala inscription of the Hoysala Vira-Ballaļa:Saka-varusha såsirada nûra-eraḍaneya Sarvvari-samvatsarada Pushya-suddha ashṭami Brihavarad uttarayana-sankramaņadalu.
8. 1102 expired Sarvari: Thursday, 25th December A. D. 1180; the 8th tithi of the bright half ended 6 h. 12 m. after, and the Uttarayana-samkranti took place 0 h. 4 m. before mean sunrise (during the tithi of the date).
10. S. 1319. Page 160, No. 64. Narasipura plates of the reign of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara, recording a grant which was made by Nârâyanadêv-Odeyar, the son of the Mahamandalésvara Mallapp-Odeyar (Mallinâtha) who was a brother of Harihara II. :
Saka-varusha 1319... Isvara-samvatsarada Sravana-suddha 5 Adivara Simhasankranti-puṇyakâladalu.
S. 1319 expired Isvara: Sunday, 29th July A. D. 1397; the 5th tithi of the bright half ended 15 h. 12 m., and the Simha-samkranti took place 19 h. 21 m., after mean sunrise.
11. S. 1396*. - Page 155, No. 121. Sujjalûra plates of Virupaksha I. of Vijayanagara :
Salivahana-nirņita-right sakavarsh[ê*] kram-âgatê | ritu-randhra-gupair-yuktê vidhunâ yuta-vatsarê || Vijay-âkbyê tatha mâsê Pushyê pakshê viśêshataḥ | suklê cha dasami-yuktê vårê ch-Angi(nga)ra-sañjõitê || Sankrantyam Makar-akhyate punya-kâlê.
In S. 1452 expired there was only one other lunar eclipse, which took place on Tuesday, 12th Apri A, D. 1530,