[DECEMBER, 1897.
quoted instead of 1569 (expired); and in No. 8 the published text of the inscription gives, in words, the year 1062, while both the concurrent Jovian year and my calculation prove the year of the date to be 1082 (current). One date (No. 3) gives the Jovian year only, without the corresponding Saka year; and the other dates, in addition to the Saka years, quote the corresponding Jovian years, in every case in accordance with the southern luni-solar system. - Special terms, to which I may draw attention here, are Yaksha-tadige (?) in No. 2, and Vaishnava-tithi in No. 17.
The date No. 1 of 'S. 899 is from an inscription of the Western Ganga Satyavákya Konguộivarman Permanadi; three dates (Nos. 8, 9 and 2) are from inscriptions of the Hoysalas Narasimha I. and Vira-Ballâla; eleven from the inscriptions of the Vijayanagara kings Harihara II. (No. 10), Virupaksha I. (Nos. 14 and 11), Narasa (No. 3), Krishụuraya (Nos. 16, 4 and 12), Achyutariya (Nos. 5 and 13), Sadasivaraya (No. 6), and Ramadeva (No. 7); three (Nos. 17-19) from those of the rulers of Maisûr; and one, No. 15, is from a private inscription.
1.- S. 899. - Page 212, No. 183. Dodda-Homma inscription of the Western Gangaa Satyavákya Kongunivarman Permanadi:
Sakansipa-kal-atîta-samvatsara-śatanga! entu-nû ra-tombhatt-ombhattaisya Isvara-samvatsaram pravarttisutt-ire ... Ashâdha-müsada punpamiyum Angåravarad-andu somagrahaņadol kalam.
S. 899 expired = Isvara : Tuesday, 3rd July A. D. 977; & lunar eclipse, visible in India, 14 h. 27 m. after mean sunrise.
2.-8. 1118*. - Page 146, No. 31. Tadi-Malingi inscription of the Hoysala ViraBallala :
Saka-varsada 1118neya Rakshasa-samvatsarada Yaksha-tadige! (P) Bihavara suryyagrahaņadalu.
8. 1118 current = Rakshasa : Thursday, 5th October A. D. 1195, the day of the new mnoon tithi of the month Asyina ; & solar eclipse, visible in India, 5 h. 27 m, after mean sunrise.
S. - (S. 1420.) - Page 186, No. 16. - Date of the time of Narasa of Vijayanagara, in the Nañjangud plates of his son Krishnaraya :
Vatsarê Kalayukty-akhyê Mârgasirshaka-mási cha
suryöparaga-samayê pangê darśa-samanvitê li Kalayukta = S. 1420 expired : 13th December A. D. 1498; a solar eclipse, visible in India, 4 h. 10 m. after mean sunrise.
4.- S. 1448. - Page 151, No. 49. Hemmige inscription of Krishnaraya of Vijayanagara :
Sri-jayabhyudaya-Salivahana- sakavarasha 1448 sanda varttamânavada Vyaya-samvatsarada Sråvana-su 5 lů ... tat-samvatsarada Ashâdha-suddha-paurņņamiyû chandrðparagaponyakaladalli.
S. 1448 expired = Vyaya : 24th June A. D. 1526; a lunar eclipse, visible in India, from 11 h. 39 m. to 15 h. 21 m. after mean sunrise.
5. - 8. 1452. - Page 133, No. 105. Kodagahaļļi inscription of Achyutaraya of Vijayanagara :
? The date of the last Ganga inscription' in Mr. Rice's volume (p. 101, No. 78, of 8. 944) is quite incorrect and is, in fact, an impossible date.
With Yakshi.tadige, which I cannot explain, compare the Sanskrit Yaksha-ratri, another name of the festival venerally called Depavali (Diva); see above, p. 184, Asvina-krishyapaksha XV. See below, No. 16.