JULY, 1897.)
VII. - Ratha-saptamt (also called Maha-saptami). (Rise of the dawn.]
Manvadi. [Forenoon.] VIII. - Durgil- or Annapûrņa-ashtami,
Bhishm-Ashtami. [Midday.] XI. - Jayâ ê kâdasi. XII. - Bhishma-dvadasi. [Púrua-viddhd.] XIII. - Kalpadi. [Forenoon.] xv. - Donations on this tithi are particularly enjoined.
When on this tithi the moon and Jupiter are both in the nakshatra Maghî, the
tithi is called Mahi-maghi.
Magha-(or parņinanta Phalguna-]kfishnapaksha. IV. - Sankashta-chaturthi. [Moonrise.] VIII. – Kilâshtami. [Pârva-riddhá.]
Ashtaki-sraddha. [Afternoon part.]
Birth of Rima's wife Sita. IX. - Râmad isa-navami (only in Bombay calendars)." XI. - Vijayà ékádast. XII. - When joined with the nakshatra Sravana, called Tila-dvadasi (or Vijaya). XIV. - Sivaratri or Msha-sivaratri; is very auspicious, when it falls on Sunday or
Tuesday, and is joined with the yôga Siva (Midnight!] xv. - Dvaparayugadi. [Afternoon part.]
The union of the nakshatra Satabhishaj or of Dhanishtha with this tihi is particularly auspicious for 'Sraddhus.
XII. - Phalguna-baklapaksha. IV. - Vainiyaki or Gandía-chaturtht. [Midday.] VIII. - Dargå- or Annap arşâ-ashtami.
XI. -Amalaki ekâdasi. xv. - Holika or Hutabant purnima (in Marathi, 46!t). [The day of which the tithi
occupies the evening ; but there are many special rules.] Manvadi. [Forenoon.]
Phalguna-[or purpimanta Chlitra-]krishnapaksha. 1.- Vagantirambh-otsava or Vasant-ôtsava, spring festival. III. - Kalpadi. [Afternoon part.] IV. - Sankashta-chaturthf. (Moonrise.]
V. Ranga-panchami,'on which people throw colour, etc., about'; only in cnlon lars). VIII. - Kal-Ashtami. [Párva-viddha.]
Ashtaka-sraddha. [Afternoon part.] XI. - Påpamochani ekadasi, XIII. - Is called Varunt, when joined with the nakshatra Satabhishaj (the deity of
which is Varuņa); Maha-vårupi, when it falls on Saturday and is joineil with the naloshatra 'Satabhishaj; and Mahl-mahavarunt, when it is joined, besides, with the yoga Subha. Donations made on such occasions are as
meritorious as those made at an eclipse, etc. XIV. - Sivaratri. [Midnight.] XV. - Manvadi. [Afternoon part.]