JANUARY, 1897.]
As it will be a matter of importance to students to know precisely upon what texts the above translations are based, I add them here with interlinear translations, and I also append certain notes necessary for the elucidation of the texts.
I. Ákabéada. Tāül - l'óko - tíma - len Púluga - lá mámí - ká. Lúratút - lá chápa (The name of a place) in God
was sleeping. (a certain bird) fire táp - nga ómó ré. Chápa - lá Púluga - lá púgat - ká, Púluga - lá bói - ká,
stealing came. Fire God was burning. God woke up, Púluga - lá chápa é ni - ká, A
chápa - lik Lúratút God fire
taking fire by (the bird) lót - púgari - ré. Jek Luratút - lá éni - kú, A
- Tárchéker burnt. At once (the bird)
took, He
Kingfisher l'ót - púgarí - ré . Wóta - Emi b árāij - len, Chāöga - tábanga oko - dál - ré burnt (a place) village in
the Ancestors
lit fires. Tómo - lólá. The Tomo - la.
II. Ákarbále. Dim - Dāūra - lé
Kéri - l'óng - tā ūwer - té Pálaga (Name of a man) a very long time ago (name of a place) by God His toágo' choápa l'ómo - káté. 'Ong ík 'ákat - pājra págúrú - l'á- ré. platform fire was bringing. He taking all men burnt did.
Bólub, ká Tárkāūr, ká Bflichāti, órgót éto - júrúgmú - t - ía. (Name of a fish) and (name of a fish) and (Flying-fish) they in the sea went. 'Ongót át - yåūkat mo nga. 'Ongót oáro - tíchal -éna - tó Rókwa - l'ár - tonga They
fish becoming. They carrying taking (name of a place) bároij - á óko - dál - nga lá - ré. village in fire
III. Púchikwár. Tail - Yoko • tim - an Bílik long - pát • yé. Lúratút lóng át áp - léchi - nga (Name of a place) in God was sleeping. (A bird) he fire was bringing.. Láratút 1'6ng - dí - ye. Kóta 'ong B ilik 'ábbíki - ye. Kóta Bílik (A bird) seized. Then he God burnt. Then God lóng. Mónyi ye. Bilik lóng át lí-ye. Ong • Lúratút lóte - tôi - chú - nga.
woke up. God he fire seized. He then (a bird) hit with fire. Kóta kol 'ongé Tárchúl l'ote - tõi - chu - ye. Cháltér l'óng - di - ye. Then again he then (a man, or fish) hit with fire. Kingfisher caught hold. *ống Lão • chám - len dá - nga. Wäuta - Emi - en. Ota Lão - chán He Ancestors to gave (name of a place) in. Then Ancestors n'ong - 6 - kádak,- nga. they made fire.