(JULT, 1897.
XIV.-Nrisim ha-jayanti, Vishņu's incarnation as man-lion. (Sunset.]
The tithi is highly auspicious, when it falls on Saturday and is joined with the
nakshatra Svati. XV. - Karma-jayanti, Vishņu's incarnation in the form of a tortoise. [Late after.
noon part.) Donations on this tithi are particularly enjoined.
Vaibakha-Cor parņimanta Jyaishtha-jkrishnapaksha, IV. - Sankashta-chaturthi. [Moonrise.] VIII. - Kål-ashtami. [Púrva-viddha.]
XI.- A para ekadasi. XIV. - 'Sivaratri. (Midnight.]
III. - Jyaishtha-buklapaksha. III. - Rambha-tritiya; Rambha-vrata, worship of Bhavani: [Parca-viddhd.]
IV. - Vainayaki or Gaņēša-chaturthi. (Midday.) VIII. - Dargi- or Annaparņa-ashtami. X. - Dakahard ;1 Gang-avatara, descent of Ganga to the earth. [The choice of the
day depends on the union, during the forenoon, of the greater number of certain occurrencos, sach as the tithi's falling on Wednesday (according to others, on Tuesday), the nakshatra being Hasta, the yoga Vyatipâta, etc.] When Jyaishtha is intercalary, the Dasahará falls in the first (intercalated)
Jyaishtha. XI. - Nirjalá ékâdast. XV. - Vata-parnima or Vata-sávitri.14 [Púrva-viddha.]
Manvadi. [Forenoon.] When the moon and Japiter are in the nakshatra Jyêshthâ, and the sun in Rohini, .
the tithi is called Mahl-jyaishtht, and is most auspicious for making donations.
Jyaishtha-Cor parnimanta Ashadha-)krishnapaksha. IV. - Samkashta-chaturthi. [Moonrise.] VIII. - Kal-ashtami. [Púrva-viddha.]
XI. -Yögint ékádast. XIV. - Sivaratri. [Midnight.)
IV.- Ashadha-buklapaksha. II. - Bathayatra-dvitiya, Råma-rathotsava, Rama's car-festival.
IV. - Vainayaki or Gaņēša-chatarthi. (Midday.] VIII. - Durgå- or AnnapûrņÂ-ashtami.
X.-Manvadi. [Forenoon.) XI. - Vishnubayan-Otsava ; Sayani or Vishộasayant ekadasl, on which Vishņu goes
to sleep.
This re is an epithet of Ganga, an' taking away ten sins.' 14 Molesworth explains Vafasavitri-urata to be a particular observance of women, vis, worship of the Ficus Indica, etc.