JULY, 1897.)
VIII. - Durgå- or Annapurna-ashtami."
Bhavany-atpatti, birth of Bhavani.. Bathing in the morning during this tithi, when it falls on Wednesday and is joined
with the nakshatra Panarvasa, is as meritorious as a vajapdya sacrifice. IX. - Rama-navami; Rama-jayanti, Vishņu's incarnation as Råma. [Midday.)
XI. - KamadA ekadast. XII. - Madana-tray dakt; Anangapdjana-vrata, worship of the god of love. [Půrva
viddhd.] IV. - Hanumaj-jayanti, birth of Hanumat. (Only in calendara.)
Manadi. [Forenoon.] Bathing, etc., during this tithi, when it falls on Sunday, Thursday, or Saturday,
is as meritorious as an aivamedha sacrifice.
Chaitra-Cor pornimanta Vaisakha-] krishnapaksha. IV. - Samkashta-chatarth1,10 (Moonrise.] VIII. - KAl-Ashtami. [Pârva-viddhd.]
XI. - Varathini Ekadasi. . XIII. -- (See the same tidhi of Phålguna [pdrạ. Chaitra-)krishnapaksha.) XIV. - Sivaratri. (Midnight.]
Bathing (especially in the Ganges) near Siva during this tithi (according to
some, when the tithi falls on Tuesday) prevents trouble from Pisachas or demoniac possession 11
II. - Vaisakha-suklapaksha. III. - Kalpadi. [Forenoon.]
Tratayugadi. (Forenoon.] Akshaya-tritiya ; is highly auspicions, when it falls on Wednesday and is
joined with the nakshatra Röhiņi. [Forenoon.] Paraburma-jayanti, Vishga's incarnation 2 Parasurama. (Midda, ; or,
according to others, evening.] . IV. - Vainayakt or Gaņēša-chaturthi. (Midday.] VII. - Gang-saptamt ; Gang-ôtpatti, birth of Gaiga. [Midday.] VIII, - Durgå- or Annapurnd-ashtami.
XI. - Möhint ekadast. XII. - When the 12th tithi of the bright half is joined with the wikshatra Hasta, while
Jupiter And Mars are in the sign Simha, and the sun in Mesha, this coincidence is called Vyatipata. Donations made on such an occasion aro bighly meritorious.
. Annapdrnd is an epithet of Durga.
16 According to Molesworth's Mordent and English Dictionary, on this tithi ceremonies are performed for the Averting of difficulties or troubles. Whon a Sankashta-chaturthi falls on Tuesday, it is oslled Angdraka-chaturthi, se above.
11 Compare the term Pitichf-chaturlait in Ep. Ind. Vel. L p. 187, line 3. 11 For other meanings of the term vyutipata see ante, Vol. XX. p. 292 1.