[JUNE, 1897.
the action of the first friend, and desisted from informed them, that there was a lake a few yards going any further. The other two travelled further off, which would never dry, and that it for some time longer, when the talisman on the would be a very happy refuge for the fish. The head of one of them fell off. When the spot was latter requested the former to take them up and dug into, an enormous quantity of gold was found. leave them there. The crane thereupon took Ho thereupon told the last friend not to proceed them up one by one and left them in the sun on any further, as, with the quantity of gold fomd, a mountain-top, and slowly devoured them. both of them could live happily. But he gave a Moral: - We should never, therefore. believe veut car to the advice, and went on for some time the words of our natural enemies. longer, till the talisman fell from his head. The spot was dug into and a quantity of irou was found.
XXXVI. He was overcome with grief at his lot, and A fumine, in days long gone by, once devasregretting the neglect of his friend's advice he
s et of his friend's advice he tated the whole of the southern country, and Tetraced his steps. But, alas, in this he was sorely there was not a drop of water visible in pond, disappointed, for he was not able to find his lako, well or tank. The elephants, very much friend. Thereupon immersed in grief he tried to troubled by thirst, went in search of a place where vet at the iron that had fallen to lis lot, but he they could satisfy it to their hearts' content, and was not able to find the iron. Very sorry for his found a tank called Chandrapushkarani. As lot, he came back to the town and lived once the tank was full to the brim, they rested there more by begging. E
and quenched their thirst, and also found a habitMoral: -A porson wlio hear's not the advice ation in the woods adjacent, till the whole terdered by his most intimate friends will surely
country was again green with verdure. But the come to grief.
track of these elephants was full of hares, and
they were smashed to pieces under their heavy XXXV.
footsteps. The hares, seeing the calamity that Lake Vimalâvati bas been occupied from had befallen them, and how they were greatly time immemorial by large numbers of fiais. Once reduced in numbers, met at a certain spot to upon a time, a crane, which happened to pass by, devise means for sending the elephants away to a conceived the idea of preying on them, and stood distant spot. One of them spid :-"Why fear the on the brink of the lake. But it saw the fish elephants? I have devised means to get rid of coing away from it shaking with fear, and so it them." said :-"I very mucb regret your going away from On a certain moon-light night, it climbed me in the belief that birds of my order make and sat on an adjacent mountain-top, and you their prey, and that I would do the same. said to the elephants who came by, as usual, But I have not come here with such an object in to drink from the tank:-"O, ye elephants, I have view. I, following others of my kind, have killed been deputed by Chandra (the moon), whose il good many fish, and become a sinner, but I am tank it is, to inform you that this tank has been now grown very old, and have renouneed the
dug under his orders. That is the reason world. I am come here to perform penance.
why it goes under the name of ChandrapushFear not any harm from me. You may roam any.
kårani(lit., the moon's tank). He comes here where you please."
every night and dallies with his wives. For some The poor fish believed the wily words of the time past he has been interrupted in his pastime cranc, especially as the crane did not interfere by your advent and meddling with the waters. with them at all, though they approached it. He is therefore very angry with you. Quit After some time bad thus elapsed, the crane the tank instantly, or otherwise, he told me, appeared to be very much dejected and melan. he would smash you up ere dawn. If you choly. The fish approached it, and asked it what I want to see whether he is angry or not, just look the matter was. To which the crane replied :- into this tank and you will be satisfied." "What shall I say? A twelve years' famine will The elephants were wonder-struck, and seeing very shortly visit the land. Not a drop of water
the reflection of the moon, agitated by the wind in will then remain in this lake. I am able to know
the waters, mistook it for his wrath with them, this by second sight, and, as you are my close bowed to the moon, requested him to excuse them friends, I cannot resist the temptation of inform- as they bad come there in innocence, and desired ing you, lest you dic when the famine comes." the hare to intercede with the moon on their
The fish were exceedingly joyed at the humane behalf. The elephants thereupon quitted the place nature of the crane, and requested it to save them instantly, and the hures from that time forwarde from the impending peril. The crane thereupon lived comfortably.