MARCH, 1892.]
rth becomes, at Kh., th or th: atha, IV, 12, al.; atha, VI, 17, al.; - at Dh., th in athayé, det. I, 19, 21; det. II, 8; th in atha, passim; at D., th in atha, VII-VIII, 3, 10; th in atlasi, VII-VIII, 4, al.;-at S., th: athum, 7, al.; at R., th: athaya, 3, al..
rthy becomes thiy at Kh. (IX, 23) and at 25; at J. det. I, 6, we have álasyéna. Dh. (IX, 7), in nilathiyam.
ér becomes 8, Kh., Dh., D., R.
rd becomes d, Kh., D.
rdh becomes, at Kh., dh: vadhayisanti, IV, 12; diyáḍha, XIII, 35, &c.; dh in vadhité, IV, 11 (ordinarily vadhita); at Dh., dh: vadhayisati, IV, 16, &c. ;- at D., dh: adhakósikáni, VII-VIII, 2,. &c.; at S., dh in avaladhiyóná, 6; dh in vadhisati, 3,.6; at R., dh: adhitiyáni, 1; vadhisati, 4; -at B., dh: vadhisati, 7, 8.
rdhy becomes, at S., dhiy in avaladhiyêná, 6; dhiya in diyaḍhiyam, ibid.;-at R., dhiy and dhiy (same words); - at B., dhig in diyaḍhiyam, 8.
rbh becomes bh, Kh., Dh. rm becomes, mm, Kh., Dh., D.
ry becomes, at Kh., liy in anamtaliyéná, VI, 19; lay in supudúlayo, if we assume it to be equivalent to supracláryah; at Dh., the same, VI, 31; V, 22; liy at D.: suliyik, VII. VIII, 10; mithaliye, III, 20, &c.; at Bh.: aligavavui, 5 palydydai, 1, G.
ru usually becomos in all texts; -luv, at Kh. and Dh., in peluca, passim.
rá becomes 8, Kh., Dh., D.
rsh becomes usually s (vase), Kh., Dh., D., Bh.
lp becomes p, Kh, Dh.
ly becomes y in kayana at Kh., Dh., D.
vy becomes, at Kh., viy: migariya, VIII, 22; viyamjanaté, III, 8, &c., except in divyani, IV, 10; at Dh. and D., viy: divinani, Dh., IV, 3, &c.; hantaviyáni, D., V, 15, &c.; ichhitayê, at Jaug., det. I, 5, should, probably, bo restored ichhitu (vi)yê; at R. viy (lékhápé
taviyê, 4), except in vyuthôná, 5; at B., y in áládhêtayé, 6.
or becomes v, Kh., Dh., D. sch becomes chl, Kh., Dh.
én becomes sin in pasiné, at Bh. (5).
sy becomes siy, at Kh., in pativésiyêná, IX,
év becomes at D., s in séta, V, 6; suv in suvé, I, 6.
shk becomes k, at Kh., in dukalé, V, 13;
at Dh., in the same word, V, 20, al.
shkr becomes kh: nikhamati, Kh., III, 7, al., nikhami, Dh., VIII, 4, al.
sht becomes th, Kh., Dh., D., R., and th, at S., in vivutha, 7.
shth becomes, at Kh., th: adhithandyé, V, 15; sethe, IV, 12; at Dh., th: adhithané, V, 26; adhithandyó, V, 23; nithuliyena, det. I, 11; h in chithitu, IV, 17; at D., fh, nithuliye, III, 20.
rshy becomes, at Kh., chh in kachhami, &c., VI, 18, al. (= kar()shyami); - at Dh., s in isiga, det. I, 10; chh in kachhabi, VII, 2, al.; at D., sy in isyakalunéna, III, 20; chh in kachhati, II, 16, nl.
sth becomes, at Kh., th in chilathitika, V, 17; gahathani, XII, 31; th in chilathitika, VI, 20; at Dh., h in chilathalika, V, 27; VI, 33; at D., th in chilathilaku, II, 15 (AR rh becomes lah, at Kh., in galahati, XII, thi); thambhani, VII-VIII, 2; h in chila33; at Bh, in alahámi, 4. at
thitike, VII-VIII, 11; anathiku, V, 4; Bh., h in chilaḥlitike, 4; - at S., the same, 5; at R., thin siláthumbha, 5; th in chilathitike, tsth becomes th in uthi (= pâli utha
hati), Jaug., det. I, 7.
sn becomes sin in sinéhé, at Kh., XIII, 38. sm becomes, at Kh., s in locatives in asi; at Dh., remains unchanged in akasmá, det. I, 9, 20, 21; becomes s in the locative in asi; ph
shp becomes, at Kh. (IX, 26) and at Dh.
(IX, 10) ph, in niphati;-p, at D. in chatupads, V, 7.
shy becomes, at Kh., 8: alabhiyisanti, 1, 4, &c.; at Dh., 8: anupayisati, III, 11, &c.; h in Chatha, dot. I, 17; dot. II, 9 (Jaug., in both cases satha); at D., s: abhyannamisati, VII-VIII, 21, &c.; h in hohamti, VII-VIII, 4, 5, G (by the side of hesimli), and, to add it at once, although here k sy, in dahanti, IV, 18; at Bh., s: upatise, 5. sk becomes, at Kh., k in agikum Ihani, IV, 10; at Dh., kh: ayikhamlhani, IV, 3. et becomes everywhere th.