death customs 2:3 :- drunkenness among cow, to kill a, a sin in Madras 278:- to eat the 222 : tattooing among the ...............
products of it, it sin in Madras .................. 278 Chins, Hika Tribe, were probably one race
crow, superstitions as to the. in Matras ..... !68 with the Lushais not long since 1.27;
cures: water restores to life 180 throwin: Macnabb's book on the Hákà dialect of the.1238.
a baby at the deul restores to life 189 chinde of Burma is the Assyrian winged lion,
for snake poieon 383:--for hydrophobia ... 383 degraded .............
................... 382
customs, social, in Southern India 221, in Chalika. Paisachi Prakrit discussed .........261 ff.
............. 193 chre='casus belli among the Karennis 317,
cyclic years, instances of the use of them: is an hereditary vendetta.......................... 317
Pärtliva 32), Sanmya 122, 197, Viksiti ... 322 Cinderella, variant tale of ..................... 187 f. coins, a catalogue of the, in the Lahore
Dàlà bàn, the Talning General................... 377 Museum noted 194 f. :- punch-marked, an Dalmîn, a note on the fort of .................. 329 Indian invention 3+5; cast, 315 f. ; lead, Damodara (Early Kadamba); his rock.cut in India, noted 347 :- of ancient India, inscription at Konnur, edited. ............... 93 Cunningham's, reviewed 344 ff.; South dazurs, the, of the Jains described.........211 f1. Indian 321 ff.; of Nepal noted 347 f.; dates - degree of the sun specified in French of Kurikal 327 :- of Amöghabhuti 49:- recorded in days of the Kaliyuga car noted 346; of Avanipasokhara of Madura
in MSS. 49 f. : - luni-solar used in MSS. 324; of British East India Company 326 f.;
49:-- solar used in MSS. 49 : froin of the Cholas 323; of Dhama På lasini noted
inscriptions and MSS. discussed 47 ff. :347; of Harihara Vijayanagara 321; of of the Vaghela Kings of Gujarat ......... 276 f. Kosambi noted 346; of Madura 323 f; of day, the 172nd day of a regnal year menMallikarjunariya 321; of the Mitras noted
tioned in a recorded date........................ 282 Sti; of Odumbara noted 916; of Sadasi. days, "ivil, of the fortnight, or month, devaraya of Vijayanagara 322; of Taxila noted noted by buli or áuti and badi or vudi and 346; of Tirumalaraya of Vijayanagarat :22; vati and mentioned in recorded dates: of Vijayanagara 321; of Visvanatha of
dark fortnight :Madura noted 325 f.; of the Yaudhéyas
eighth .......................... ............... 51 noted..................... ...................... 347 bright fortnight :companions of hero in folktales, minister 185,
fifth ..................... demon 188, monkey ............................... 188 eleventh ................ conjugation in the inscriptions at Girnar ... 7 f. fortnight not specified :conjuration in Ancient India .................. 349 fr. twenty-first ............ consonants, weakening of hard, into soft days, lunar, i. e., tithis, mentioned in recorded 259; substitution of hard for soft, in the
dates : Priksits 260:-- ancient Indian alphabets
dark fortnight :did double identical or homogenous 175;
tbird ............... doubling of, importance of, as a criterion
fourth ................ . by which to judge of Pråkpit 271; doubling
sixth ............................ .............. of, the main point of difference between
eleventh ................................... 121, 197 monumental and literary Praksit 269 f.;
thirteenth .................................... 122 the inscriptions of Piyadasi do not
bright fortnight:observe the rule of doubling homogenous
third .............. 146:- simple, changes in, in the inscriptions
fifth ............... at Girnar 3; changes in, in the inscription
thirteenth ......... at Kapur di Giri 9, in the remaining edicta days, lunar, mentioned in MSS. :88 f.; suppressed, in the inscriptions at
brigbt fortnight, eighth Girnar 3, in the inscriptions at Kapur di
fortnight unknown, seventh Giri 91., in the remaining edicta 89; added, days, solar, mentioned in recorded dates :in the inscriptions at Girnar 3, in the inscriptions at Kapur di Giri, 9 £., in the days of the week, names of them as used in remaining edicts 89:- compound, in the recorded dates :inscriptions at Girnar 3 f., in the inscrip
Aditya (Sunday) ............ tions at Kapur di Giri 10 f., in the remain
Budha (Wednesday) .....................51, ing edicts 89 -- peculiarities in all the
Guru (Thursday) edicts except at Girnar and Kapur di Giri 88.1 Indu (Monday)
ninth .....